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Sunday, January 4, 2009

SAP Definition and Formula for PM terms

Can somebody give me definition and it's formula for calculation of the following terms:
1. Equipment Uptime
2. Equipment Efficiency
3. Equipment Effectiveness


The question is too vague to give a precise answer. Uptime, Efficiency and Effectiveness will depend on how you have defined these terms, what sort of plant/process you are measuring and how you measure them in practise.

Having said that, here is an attempt at answering your question

1. Uptime is the total time that a machine or process is available to perform its function.

UPTIME = Total Time Available - Downtime

Downtime consists of both planned and unplanned events.

2. Equipment Efficiency - What do see as the difference between 2&3?

3. Equipment Effectiveness as defined by Overall Equipment Effectiveness:

OEE = Availability Rate x Performance Rate x Quality Rate

Availability Rate = %Uptime of Total Time

Performance Rate in most cases is related to Mean Speed as a percentage of Max. Speed. Utilisation is also a concept that fits into this category.

Quality Rate is an expression of Good(conforming/saleable) products as a percentage of total products made.

A, P and Q are all efficiencies in their own right.

Hope this helps.

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