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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Setting Cross-company transaction

I found problem in setting cross-company transaction.
What I have done are as follow:
1. Create material master Z for plant A (company A), and plant B (company B).
2. Create vendor masteri for company A, assigned to plant B; e.g: vendor X assigned as plant B.
3. Create PO (doc.type NB) from plant A to vendor X for material Z.
4. Supposedly system would automatically recognised this as cross-company transaction. Then plant B could create delivery refering to this PO.

In my system, when I try to create the PO, SAP generates error message said that Sales and Distribution Data haven't been maintained for material Z, which I have already done.
Could anyone help? Recently I've got chance to look at the system where the cross-company has been already set. By comparing the PO, I knew that in the successfull cross-company PO, there are additional tab in item detail named Shipping. In this tab, there is information about customer, delivery type used, etc. Which make me wonder, is it the source of the problem. Should I set the customer master data refering to the plant issuing the PO? If I should where could I set this?

You need also to configure your Stock Transport Order settings for your Cross-Company Business Transaction to work.

1. Customer No. for the Goods Receiving Plant - OMGN
2. Availability Check- Checking Rule (if necessary) - OMGN
3. Assign a Delivery Type for the Delivering Plant - OMGN (for Stock Transport Orders, NLCC)
4. PO type (which i belive you have done) - OMGN
5. Assign Vendor No. to the Supplying Plant (done) - VK02
6. Assign Customer No. to the Purchasing Plant for the Inter-Compnay Invoice (but you need to assign this to the Sales Organization pre-assigned to the Purchasing Plant),
IMG-SD-Billing-InterCompany Billing-Define Internal Customer No. by Sales Org
***and by the way for the Invoice to work between Cross-Compnay Plants, you need also to have a Sales Org for the Supplying Plant and a Pricing Determination Procedure.

I've actually done this already and it should work.

Inventory Beginning Balances

We will go live in 1st of November and I have been assigned the job of perfroming the inital stock upload. Some materials are managed with standard price and some with moving average. What is the normal way. Any help will be greatly appreciated since it is my first time doing this and i have little experience as a consultant.

When you transfer the stocks of material from the legacy system into SAP the initial enrty of inventory is done through mvt. type 561. You normally do this entry via batch input.

The valuation of the inventory data depends on two factors:
1. The price control procedure and prices defined in the accounting view of the material.
2. Whether you have entered a value for quantity to be transferred.

This is what happens for materials with Standard Price:
1.The initial entry will be valued at Standard Price defined in the material master.
2. If a different value is entered in the batch input data, this difference is posted in the price difference account.

This is what happens for materials with Moving Average Price:
1. Whatever value you have entered for the intial data entry in the batch input is used to valuate the quantity transferred.
2 If initial inventory value in batch input / inventory quantity differs from the MAP, the MAP is changed when you do the initial entry of the inventory data.
3. However if you have not maintained a value for the initial entry in the batch input the quantity transferred is valuated according to the MAP and the price does not change in this case.

You can add a new material to the material master and set a beginning balance on it by using transaction MB1C.

The following are instructions for doing so :

Path: Logistics *Materials management * Inventory management * Goods movement * Goods receipt *Other

Field Data :
Document Date Today’s date
Posting Date Today’s date
Movement Type 561 (will automatically enter)
Plant 3000 (or plant you are using)
Storage Location 0001 (or location you are using)

On top of screen select: Movement type *Receipt * Init.stck entry (own) * To unrestricted

Hit the white on green checkmark.

Now enter Item Material Quantity
1 Material # Quantity (Press tab 4 times to enter next item)
2 Material # Quantity


Write down the Document #________________

You may get an error saying: “G/L account 399999 blocked for posting in company code 3000”. To unblock the account, you can do the following :

Accounting>Financial Accounting>GL>Master records>Individual processing>Centrally.
Enter the GL account 399999 and the company code (3000).
On the menu, open GL account, then choose Block.

On the block GL account centrally screen, deselect all the boxes and save.
You may have to do this for account 79999 and company code 3000 if you want a beginning balance on Finished Goods.


Variances between material and account of stock when you use MB5L

First of all, what MB5L works was that this transaction looks in the table T030, the accounts assigned to the inventory, and computes the total values based on the accounts. The values shown in the 1st column in the table, belongs to the values in the MBEW table. The FI values are build up based on the BSEG table. The point is that sometimes some postings are set in the MBEW table without being posted on BSEG (and vice versa).

There have been several reasons which are well attributable to this problem -

1) Change in the Valuation Class of the Material Master which results in the fact that the account determination or account used in the automatic posting was changed;

2) Maintenance of GR/IR clearing account via Transaction MR11 after executing the month-end closing (Transaction MMPV);

3) Adjustment of G/L account (JV process) for direct posting;

4) Price adjustment via Transaction MR21;

5) Manual posting of costs directly to inventory account via LIV.

Planned Delivery Time as Workdays

Is there a way to change the planned delivery time to workdays instead of calendar days? If not, does anyone have a way (other than adding two days to all planned delivery times) to start the planning process two days earlier when a weekend is involved in planning.

Yes, there is the possibility for you to define the Plnd Delivery Time exclusive of weekend (Saturday and Sunday). What you have to do is:

1) Maintain the Calendar via the following path: SPRO ----> General Settings -----> Maintain Calendar. This step will help define the appropriate calendar that you would prefer to set.

2) Define the Plant parameters via the following path: SPRO ----> Enterprise Structure -----> Definition --------> Logistics - General ------> Define, copy, delete, check plant. Select the Plant that you would like to define the Plnd Delivery Time and then, in the Factory Calendar, select the calendar that you have defined in step 1.

If you have already have our plants assigned to a factory calendar(Z1). Is it possible to get the planned delivery time to plan according to this calendar? If so, how?

Once you have assigned the appropriate calendar to your plant location, then you can start maintaining your material master data records with referecne to this Plant and the Plnd Delivery

Time of these master data will be calculated based on the Calendar that you have set for this particular plant.

My understanding was that Plannned Delivery time is always 'real' days, where as GR time considers the factory calendar. Perhaps that is just the way we have configured it?

The way we use it is that goods do travel over the weekend, but GRs are only done according to the factory calendar - so it works well for us.

Delivery time is only calculated in calendar days, not working days.

Physical Inventory Item Class

My question is about Physical Inventory. In general we do PI once in a year. Well for which item class ( A, B, C or none) we mostly do this excercise and why. I know what PI is but as far as industrial practice and logic behind selection of the item is concerned, I have a doubt.


Managing your physical inventory is a crucial part of running your business, if it is not monitored correctly you could have large variances, both negative or positive. A physical inventory count is carried out to determine the exact physical quantity of an article that is in your store at a particular time.
Stock quantities are then updated based on the actual level determined during the physical count.
It is important to monitor the accuracy of your stock levels, not only to identify any stock loss that may be occurring, but also to avoid processing sales against stock that you physically do not have, also to know when it is necessary to replenish stocks that run low.

George Sewmungal

I think you are asking about the stratification analysis: i.e.: after the unit cost X annual volume is calculated for all items, you sort the list and mark off the strata from the top down:

A = 70% - 85% of accumulated value
B = 10% - 20% of accumulated value
C = 5% - 10% of accumulated value
D or Blank = fasteners, no cost/low cost items etc.

The logic is that the A items will be comprised of costly or high volume items that account for the majority of the company’s inventory assets. These are usually only about 15 – 20% of the material numbers in the database. They are usually counted 4 times or more per year. Some companies count these every month. Mismanaging these items can bankrupt the company and they deserve special attention. Anyway that is the conventional wisdom.

B items are middle value/volume and are usually counted twice a year or thereabouts.
C items are low cost/volume items and are usually counted only once per year. They usually account for about 80% of the number of items in inventory but only 20% of the value. The most important thing about C items is to keep them in stock so you don’t run out.

The selection within each stratum is usually random but not necessarily. Some companies will store the items in segregated shelving and count by shelf, for example.

I hope this more completely answers your question. If not, please ask for clarification.

Physical Inventory Process

What are the step to do physical inventory process? I want to make zero stock and then upload the actual stock?

First you can use the trn. MI01 there put all the material save, then use T-Code MI04 there you have to enter the count the if you want put 0, put it and make the tick then save then use MI22 post the difference.

About Physical inventory process you have another way :
1. Use t-code MI31 instead of using MI01 , it will give you a document number of all your stock.
2. If you did not get the document number use t-code MI24 .
3. MI21 to print the document.
4. MI04 to enter the count if you want put 0.
5. MI07 post.

Create PI document using MI01 (MI31 -Using Batch)
Enter Count Using MI04 (Select Zero Stock Indicator)
Post Count results using MI07
Check Results using MI24
Upload initial Stock using MB1C 561

Tips by : Phani

Note: For the first initial upload, the best options is to get your abapers to write a simple BDC upload program from the SAP screen mb1c (mvt type 561) using the file type csv (format save in excel).

If you freeze wrongly, you can used MI02 to manually delete the freeze physical inventory documents number.

What is A, B, C and D Indicator for a material for cyclic count?

All the material may not be important for cyclic count purpose, it may be required to count
some items frequently and some items rarely.

A cyclic count indicator A or B or C or D is allocated to material in the material master
based on either consumption value (consumption X rate) or forecast value
(forecast quantity X rate).

The item with more consumption value are classified as A, and with minimum as D.

“A” indicator items will be counted frequently (say every month), D will be less frequently
(say every 6 months or every one year). Daily a number of items will be taken for count, some
may be with A indicator, some with B and so on.

Mark all materials that are to be included in cycle counting with a cycle counting indicator
in the material master record (storage data). The cycle counting indicator is used to group
the materials together into various cycle counting categories (for example, A, B, C, and D).

There is an option in SAP to have a fixed indicator for a material say A for a material which
does not have a high consumption value but it is important to count it every month, then the
material can be marked as A indicator in material master with indicator “fixed”

In Customizing OMCO, for Inventory Management, you can define for each category the time
intervals at which the materials are to be counted.

Fields : No. of phys. inventories per fiscal year for cycle counting

For e.g. A - 12, B - 6, C - 3, D - 1

Specifies how often during the fiscal year a physical inventory is to be carried out for a
material subject to cycle counting.

The system uses this specification to convert the count interval into workdays.

Fields : Physical inventory interval (in workdays) for cycle counting

For e.g. A = 12 times per year and your Total Factory Calendar days = 300

The interval will be calculated as 300 / 12 = 25 days

Specifies after how many workdays following the last inventory count another physical
inventory has to be carried out for a given material.

The count interval is determined automatically on the basis of the number of physical
inventories specified for the fiscal year.

Fields : Float time (in workdays) for cycle counting

For e.g. A - 10, B - 20, C - 30, D - 0

Indicates the number of workdays by which the planned count date may vary from the current

For examples :-

For the plant, the float time is five days.

A physical inventory has been planned for a material belonging to category C for June, 1.
On expiration of the float time (after June, 6), the physical inventory has not yet been
carried out.
Irrespective of the category, the material is parked for the next cycle counting run.

Fields :- Percentage of performance measure for cycle counting ind.

Specifies the percentage allocation of the materials to the individual cycle counting

The percentage value is used for automatic assignment of the cycle counting indicator.

For example :-

In the given plant, 200 materials are subject to the cycle counting physical inventory

In Customizing for Inventory Management, the following percentage allocation has been defined
for the plant:

A materials: 50%
B materials: 25%
C materials: 15%
D materials: 10%

In the cycle counting analysis, the materials are sorted by consumption. After completion
of the analysis, the cycle counting indicator is assigned as follows:

The first 3 materials (sorted in descending order according to consumption) represent 50% of
the consumption and have the indicator A.

The next 12 materials represent 25% of the consumption and have the indicator B.

The next 49 materials represent 15% of the consumption and have the indicator C.

The remaining 136 materials represent the rest (10%) of the consumption and have the
indicator D.

You can use the program ABC Cycle Counting Analysis (MIBC - RMCBIN00) to perform an analysis.
In this analysis, the system assigns the materials to the individual categories according to
consumption or requirements (forecasts).

You can also specify whether this analysis is to consider only the materials with cycle
counting indicator or all materials. The cycle counting indicator in the material master
records can be updated automatically by this program.

Marking Materials for Cycle Counting

This step is only required if you perform cycle counting for the first time or if you want
to update the cycle counting indicators.

In the material master record (storage data), maintain the cycle counting indicator for all
the materials that are to be included in cycle counting.

You can set the indicator in one of the following two ways:

1. manually in the material master record. To do this, choose
Material -> Change from the Material Master menu.

2. automatically using ABC analysis To do this, choose
Special procedures -> Cycle counting -> Set CC indicator from the Physical Inventory menu.

Valuation Category

All of the valuation groupings work together.

You specify whether valuation occurs at plant or company code level in transaction OX14 (Define Valuation Level). Then whichever one you have defined becomes a Valuation Area. These areas can be grouped together for ease of account assignment, in which case they become valuation groups.

Account Category Reference codes are associated to material types.

Valuation Classes are associated to material types in account determination.

Also an explicit association of Account Category Reference number to Valuation Class is made in Account Determination.

For example, Material HALB - Semifinished Goods. Account Category Ref in Material Type is 0008. Valuation Class 7900 is linked to Account Category Reference 0008.

When a material is created, it is associated to the appropriate Valuation Class on Accounting View 1 of Material Master.

The automatic account determination facility looks up a posting based on the rules defined - whether to look at only Valuation Class, or Valuation Class and an additional Valuation Modifier for BSX postings for example. It will check the rules, look at the material, material type and valuation area and the rules for the movement itself (where the system is expecting to see the account definitions). All of the definitions need to be consistent. If you've defined a new Account Category Reference, you need to make sure that's associated to the Valuation Class and Material Type.

The fastest and best way to tell if something is going to post the way you want it to is to simulate the posting. You can do that in the initial screen with the simulate button. Choose the plant, the movement type and the system will ask for a material and then tell you where everything will post, or if there's a posting account that is missing.

MBST: Reversal of cleared items in FI

When canceling a material document or an invoice posted with Transaction MR1M (Logistics Invoice Verification), the system generates error message F5802: 'Document includes already cleared items - reversal not possible'

This situation occurs if both goods receipt and an invoice for a purchase order item (scheduling agreement item) exist and the GR/IR clearing account has been cleared in this regard.

If you still want to cancel goods receipt with Transaction MBST or an invoice with Transaction MR8M, you must reset the corresponding cleared items beforehand in the accounting document using Transaction FBRA 'Reset cleared items.

As an alternative, you can also carry out the correction described in Note 326707.

Difference Between Cancellation and Reversal

What is the difference between cancellation and reversal?

Canellation means total purchase item or a part of it can be cancelled when we feel it is not required and material has not yet been received by the company.

Reversal means Purchase Return when the material has reached your company and you want to return it back due to some reason then you can go for reversal.

While doing migo, we can use cancellation and as well as reversal, what is the diference between the two?

The reversal method for both Cancellation and Reversal are the same although the meaning are different.
Movement Type102 in MIGO will reverse the Goods Receipt for PO and the same will happen for Cancellation also......
Movement Type 122, is for Return delivery to Vendor and this won't come under Reversal or Cancellation concept...
In SAP MM, 102 is the reversal mvt. type of 101. Every mvt. type has its reversal counterpart. The are many reasons to
make a reversal of any mvt. type (mostly human mistakes).
Movement Type 161 is used when you make a returns purchase order to a vendor. This is a purchase order with the "returns"
flag marked. By the way, 161 has it reversal mvt. type in 162.
It's true that in both cases material is being removed from the stock but for diferent reasons and in diferent bussiness processes.

Automate the opening of MM periods

How can you automate the monthly opening of MM periods (transaction MMPV - program RMMMPERI) with

RMMMPERI accepts a period/year or a date.

If you enter a date the period is derived by it.

1. create a variant and check the attribute 'selection variable' for the parameter date. Then click the button 'Selection variables' and set the current date. Every time this variant is used the parameter DATE is filled with the current date.

2. create a job for RMMMPERI with the variant created in the preceding step. Set it as periodic.
If you're not using a fiscal year variant simply schedule it as monthly (to be executed the first day of the month).
If you are using a fiscal year variant you'd have to define a calendar with only the first day of each period defined as working
day and use it in the periodicity restrictions.

Another possibility:
Write a very simple ABAP which run daily to check if the period has changed and submit RMMMPERI.

Allow/Disallowed Backposting of Inventory Posting

Maintain the Material Master company code in OMSY.

This is done when you want :

1. To create a material master record, the control record must exist for the company code

for which you want to create your master record.

2. To set up a company code, enter the current period here.

3. When changing the Allow backposting or Disallow backposting indicators

You can also use MMRV to set the Allow/Disallowed backposting indicators.

The current and previous period is shown on both transaction codes.

Movement Error - Posting Only Possible Between

Ticket 1:
While doing goods receipt for order, the following error occurs, it says POSTING ONLY POSSIBLE BETWEEN 11/2002 AND 10/2002

Movement type.101
Order: 60002765
Storage Location:0002

Ticket 2:
I am trying to do GR after creating PO. It is showing an error messg "posting only possible during 11/2002 and 10/2002". I went into open and close posting peiords in FI (IMG) and tried opening new periods but it is still not allowing me to proceed further and is showing the same messg.

Go to T.Code MMPV :
1. Enter your company code.
2. Fiscal year of the current period (in your case 2002).
3. Put the period as 12.
4. Check the radio button for check and close period.
5. Execute.
6. The system does say it is not current calender year. (do not worry about this).
7. Hit Esc and
8. Now change the Fiscal year to 2003 and
9. Period to 1
10. Execute
Continue these steps until you reach your period and fiscal year. *-- Vijay

Ticket 3:
I am facing a problem with fiscal year. When I am trying to close the periods with MMPV, it is saying that 'specify a present calender'. It is not allowing me to receipt GR and post the invoice. And also when I am trying to change the next period through navigation (SPRO/Logostics general/Material master/Maintain company codes for matl management) it is saying that this company code can no longer be initiated. Our SAP was installed recently.

To maintain fiscal year

SPRO - Logistics General - Mat Master - Basic Settings - Maintain Company Codes for Material Management - Execute - Select Company Code and Define the Fiscal Year

Year = 2006
P(month) = current month
F/yr = 2006
M = Previous Month

ABP = Allow Back Posting , DBP = Disallow back posting

Re-Open The Previous Period

What is the procedure/method/t-code for re-open the previous period. For example: the current period is 02 2007 but some one closed this period and made it to 05 2007, and already so many postings are done.

Answer 1:
To reopen previous period t-code is mmrv, with this you can open previous period only.

Answer 2:
You can use MMPI ( But SAP never recommends this, it will mess up all stock valuations ) however, using this T-code please go through OSS note 487381, the main contents as follow:
Before you start period closing with initialization, you must be aware of the consequences of period closing with initialization. This note describes the possible data inconsistencies that might occur if you carry out the initialization in a productive system. The resulting inconsistencies are not to be traced back to a system error but they are a result of the period closing program with initialization
The initialization of the posting period to a previous or to any posting period may lead to the loss of the information of the inventory balances of the previous periods. The book value of the current posting period is taken as the basis also for values of the previous period in this case. If you want to continue working with this new posting period, in addition you should execute report Z_DEL_HIST_ENTRIES attached so that history entries greater or equal to the new posting period will be deleted.
So be careful while opening any periods in MM or FI side.

Process Of Imported Material With Excise

What are the procurement cycle (stepwise) of imported material up to GR(101)? What are the steps that are to be followed to reverse the GR for imported material? What are the transaction used?

1) The procedure for imported material receipt is as follows.....

a) P.O. Generation for the material. ME21n
b) Capture planned delivery cost MIRO
c) Capture excise invoice J1IEX
d) Goods Receipt MIGO

Since we are capturing the planned delivery cost for the GR (through MIRO) . So before returning the material we have to reverse the planned delivery cost thru "Subsequent Credit " using MIRO. Then only return thru MIGO will be possible.

So, the steps for cancelling the documents for imported material is:
2) a) Sub sequent credit using MIRO
b) Return GR (delivery) using MIGO
c) Cancell the excise invoice using J1IEX

These are the steps to return the imported material & cancel the Excise Invoice capture

Difference for Stock Transfer and Transfer Posting

Questions: Tell me the difference between transfer postings and stock transfers. What are the material documents that are generated and what are the accounts hits.

Stock Transfer = physically stock transfer of goods,
Trasfer posting = may physical (or) logical (not physical) stock transfer of goods.
Transfer posting and stock transfer:
Transfer posting : plant to plant/ Storage location to Storage Location.
In which if the valuation area is same. i.e.
- Sloc to Sloc within one plant then there will be no accounting entry occurs.
- However if the its Sloc to Sloc but with two different plant. and valuation area+valuation price is diff then there will accounting doc and material doc created for the same.
Stock Transfer:
There are unrestricted stock, quality inspection stock, blocked stock. Also you can have GR Blocked stock, special stock too. It will update the quantity. *-- Madhura k
Stock Tranfer and Transfer Posting - Importances are same up to Plant to Plant . However Customer ( Client ) Prefer Stock Transfer than Transfer Posting.
See the Below Advantages of Stock Transfer more than Transfer Postings :
The transfer of stock using a stock transport order has the following advantages over the transfer of stock without a stock transport order:
- A goods receipt can be planned in the receiving plant.
- You can enter a vendor (transport vendor) in the stock transport order.
- Delivery costs can be entered in the stock transport order.
- The stock transfer order is part of MRP: Purchase requisitions that were created in MRP can be converted into stock transport orders.
- The goods issue can be entered using a delivery via Shipping (LE-SHP
- The goods receipt can be posted directly to consumption.
- The entire process can be monitored via the purchase order history.

However we need to do some times Plant to Plant Trasfer Postings only in some industires. This is based on Customer Requirement. *-- Pavan G Kulkarni
How many stock transfer process are avaikable in SAP?
Like 1)Two step stock transfer (MM/SD) .
2)Two steap stock transfer ( MM only) Move type 303& 305.
3) One step stock transfer Move type 301.

Stock Transport Order (STO)
Without STO
One step stock transfer Move type 301.
Two step stock transfer ( MM only) Move type 303& 305.
Using STO without delivery:
doc.type: UB
GI:351, GR:101

STO with delivery:
GI:641, GR:101
delivery type:NL

STO with delivery and billing:
GI:643, GR:101
delivery type:NLCC , billing type:IV

Creating The Stock Transfer Order

What is the pocess of creating the stock transfer order? W hat is the essential inputs of stock trans. order?
This is only within the comp.code(w/o SD)
351+101 MvT.
with SD
1. Mat.(1434)should be maintained in both the plants.(@1000&1100).
2. Should have enough stock in supplying plant(1000).
3. Make its supplying plant as a vendor in vendor master record in receiving plant(1100).
4. Make it receiving plant as a customer in customization.
Create customer (xd01) & and define the shipping data for plants in both the plants.
Path: spro – img – material mgmt – purchasing – po – set up STO – define shipping data
(1 by1 )
In Receiving plant (1100) In Supplying plant (1000)
Customer num. 123345 (for ex.) Customer num. ---------(don’t fill)
Sales org. yyy Sales org. yyy
Dist. Channel yy Dist. Channel yy
Sales div. y Sales div. y

5. Assign doc. Type is “NL” for intra company STO. If STO is inter company, Assign doc. Type is “NLCC”.
Position doc type is “UB”
Enter supplying plant(1000) & doc type (NL)&checking rule (ex:01)
6.Assign doc. Type is “UB” to u’r plants.(PO)
Go for new entries
Enter supplying plant(1000) & Receiving plant (1100)&doc type (UB).
7. Create a PO, choose the doc type is ‘UB’ & item cat.’U’, Enter supplying plant as a vendor in PO of the receiving plant(1100).
8. Provide this num (PO) to SD people, they will do the delivery by using transactional code is VL10B.
9. Sales people they will provide “out bound delivery num”.
10. Do the GR. In GR the second tab 05 outbound delivery instead of PO mov.type 101.
11. See the stock overview in the receiving & supplying plants.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

IDoc Procedures in SAP MM

What is IDOC

• IDOC = Intermediate Document

• IDOC is simply a data container used to exchange information between any two processes that can understand the syntax and semantics of the data.

• When we execute an outbound ALE or EDI Process, an IDOC is created

• In an inbound ALE or EDI process, an IDOC serves as input to create an application document.

• In the SAP System, IDOCs are stored in database.

• Every IDOC has an unique number(within a client).

• IDOCs are independent of the sending and receiving systems.(SAP-to-SAP as well as Non-SAP)

• IDOCs are based on EDI standards, ANSI ASC X12 and EDIFACT. In case of any conflict in data size, it adopts one with greater length

• IDOCs are independent of the direction of data exchange e.g. ORDERS01: Purchasing module : Inbound and Outbound

• IDOCs can be viewed in a text editor. Data is stored in character format instead of binary format.

IDOC Components

Basic IDOC Type (we30)

• Basic IDOC Type defines the structure and format of the business document that is to be exchanged.

• IDOC Type has a

– specific name

– list of permitted segments

– hierarchy of segments

– mandatory/optional segments

– minimum/maximum range of each segment.


• Segment defines the format and structure of a data record. Segments are reusable components.

• For each segment SAP creates

– Segment Type (version independent)

– Segment Definition (version dependent)

– Segment Documentation

• The last 3 characters is the version of the segment

• Definitions keep changing as per the version but the segment type remains the same

IDOC Run-Time Components

• An IDOC is an instance of an IDOC Type

• At run time the following events occur

– A unique IDOC no. is allocated by SAP

– One control record is attached to the IDOC

– Segments translate into data records

– Status records are attached

– Syntax rules are checked.

• Each IDOC has 3 parts

– Control Record

– Data Record

– Status Record

• We02 or We05

Control Record

• All control record data is stored in EDIDC table. The key to this table is the IDOC Number

• It contains information like IDOC number, sender, recipient information, channel it is using, which port it is using etc.

Data Record

• Data record contains application data like employee header info, weekly details, client details etc

• All data record data is stored in EDI_DD40 table and EDI_DD

Status Record

• Status record are attached to an IDOC at every milestone or when it encounter errors.

• All status record data is stored in EDID8 table.

Where and How IDOC is created

Where and How an IDOC is created?

• Lets take an example to understand this:

• Whenever a Purchase Order (PO) is created we want to send the IDOC to a vendor.

• The PO is sent in the form of an IDOC to the vendor (partner). That partner has to be EDI enabled in that system.. SAP should realize that it could send doc to this vendor electronically. (Creating a vendor is not sufficient). Partner Profile should be EDI enabled i.e. A partner profile should exist in the sap system.

• Quotation, RFQ, PO, SO, Invoice, delivery challan etc are some of the commonly exchanged documents through IDOCs

• We create only one profile for both inbound and outbound IDOCs.

• Partner profile should contain message type……to be able to exchange the IDOC.

• We define partner type, partner function and message type (it distinguish if an IDOC is being sent to same person in same function for different reason e.g. SO)

Process Code

Creating Outbound Process Code (WE41)

• What is Process Code?

Process of filling the IDOC with application data is done by Function Module. But, function module is not assigned to a Partner. It is encapsulated by a Process Code and this Process Code is assigned to a Partner in Partner Profile.

• Assigning Function Module to Process Code

- Go to Transaction WE41.

- Switch to “Change” Mode and click “New Entries”.

- Enter Process Code Name and assign the Function Module created.

Partner Profile

Creating Partner Profile (WE20)

• What is Partner Profile?

We must maintain the business partners with whom we communicate via IDocs, in Partner Profiles.

• Steps to create Partner Profile

- Goto Transaction WE20.

- Click on Create Button.

- Enter the Number of Vendor Created in Partner No. and ‘LI’ in Partner Type fields.

- Save the Data.

- For Outbound Partner Profile we have to create Outbound Parameters

- Specify Partner Function, Message type created, Port (create a port in WE21),Basic Type and Output Mode.

- Goto “Message Control” Tab and link the Message Type and Process Code created.

- Save.

Change Application Data to be transmitted

• Change Purchase Order Created using transaction ME22n for the Vendor to which partner profile has been created.

• Go to “Messages” , add the new “Message Type” to the list and Save the Purchase Order.

• An IDOC will be created for the purchase order and will be dispatched to PORT mentioned.

Check the status of IDOC (WE02)

• The IDOC status can be checked using transaction WE02

• If the status is ’03’, it implies that IDOC is passed to Port.

Summary: IDOC Workflow

The sequence:

1. Checks whether Partner profile exists or not

2. Whether that PP has a outbound parameter

3. Whether NEU message type is there or not (message control)

4. Checks the process code (gives the name of Function module)

5. Checks immediate transfer or batch transfer

6. Based on that it checks the receiver port

7. Then it will trigger the RFC destination

8. Then it triggers the event on subsystem/customer system

9. Transfer the IDOC to a port and transfer the Idoc in terms of file and it triggers the customer system

10. Customer knows from where it should pick up the file ….it picks up the file.

Extending an Existing IDOC Type

• Used in cases where some additional information is required in addition to that supplied by the Standard IDOC Type.

• In Transaction WE30 we create the IDOC as an Extension and specify the basic type for which it is an extension.

• We add the segments needed as children to existing ones.

• None of the Reference Segments can be deleted or changed.

Extension Child Segs

Basic Type (ORDERS01)






Cannot be modified

IDOC Views

• An IDOC type can be used for more than one message type, which results in IDOCs containing more fields than required for a particular message type.

• IDOC views are used to improve performance in generating IDOCs to ensure only the relevant segments are filled with data.

• IDOC Views are important only for Outbound Processing.







Processing Logic

• The processing logic associated with the IDOC is the function module that is written to handle the inbound/outbound IDOC.

• Its written just like any function module but has to follow a standard interface (i.e. Import, Export, Changing & Tables) parameters and it is should be RFC enabled.

• In this function module we are effectively building up a table of type EDID4 (IDOC Data table) and change the control record.

SAP MM Configuration How to do?

Maintain Plant

Plant 0001 is the SAP default.

OX14 - Define Valuation Area (Tick one only- Once your system go live, no more changes)
Most company take the SAP recommended choice - Value Material Stock at Plant level
Value Material Stock at Plant or Company Level

    • If you valuate material stocks at plant level, the plant is the valuation area.
    • If you valuate material stocks at company code level, the company code is the valuation area.
    • The decision you make applies to the whole client.

OX10 - Create / Change / View Plants

OVXB - Create / Change / View Division

OX18 - Assign Plant to company code
e.g. 0001 - 0001 - All Plants
Px1 - Plant Px1
Px2 - Plant Px2
OX19 - Assignment of company code to the Controlling Area

OB38 - Assign company code to Credit Control Area

OMJ7 - Assign business area to Plant/Valuation area and division
e.g. Plant Px1 - Business Area Bx1
Assign Valuation area to the Business Area
.e.g. Valuation area Vx1 - Business Area Bx1
Business Area Bx2

OMS0 - Assign Factory Calendar to the Plant and Business Area

The plant plays an important role in the following areas:

  • Material Valuation - If the valuation level is the plant, the material stocks are valuated at plant level. Each plant can have its own material prices and account determination.
  • Inventory Management - The material stocks are managed within a plant.
  • MRP - Material requirements are planned for each plant. Each plant has its own MRP data. Analyses for materials planning can be made across plants.
  • Production - Each plant having they own production/planning.
  • Costing - In costing, valuation prices are defined only within a plant.
  • Plant Maintenance - If a plant performs plant maintenance planning tasks, it is defined as a maintenance planning plant. A maintenance planning plant can also carry out planning tasks for other plants (maintenance plants).

If you want to use the application PP (production planning) or product costing and job-order costing, you must set valuation at plant level.

The valuation level that you choose affects

  • the maintenance of material master records
  • the G/L accounts in which material stocks are managed
  • the G/L accounts to which transactions are posted in Materials Management

Effect on the maintenance of material master records:

Depending on the valuation level chosen,

  • you maintain accounting data in the material master record for each plant or for each company code
  • you define a valuation price for the material in each plant or in each company code

Effect on G/L accounts:

If material stocks are valuated at company code level, all plant stocks of a material are managed in a joint stock account for each company code.
If material stocks are valuated at plant level, you can manage the material stocks for each plant in different accounts. For each plant, you can define a separate determination.
If several plants are to use account determination, you can group these plants in "Valuation and Account Assignment" Customizing.

Material Master - Introduction

The material master is the starting point for the rest of the modules.

What Material Types are there?

The material types that you use are configured in Customizing for the Material Master under

Logistics Master Data : Material Master -> Material -> Control data -> Define material type attributes.

The following list shows you the material types contained, for example, in the standard SAP R/3 System, and what their different roles are:

DIEN (services)
Services are procured externally and cannot be stored. A material master record of this material type can always contain purchasing data.

FERT (finished products)
Finished products are produced by the company itself. Since they cannot be ordered by Purchasing, a material master record of this material type does not contain purchasing data.

FHMI (production resources/tools)
Production resources/tools are procured externally and used in the manufacture of products. A material master record of this material type can contain purchasing data, but no sales data. It is managed on a quantity basis. Examples of production resources/tools are apparatus, equipment, and measuring and testing devices.

HALB (semifinished products)
Semifinished products can be procured externally (sub-contracting) as well as manufactured in-house. They are then processed by the company. A material master record of this material type can contain both purchasing and work scheduling data.

HAWA (trading goods)
Trading goods are always procured externally and then sold. A material master record of this material type can contain purchasing and sales data.

HIBE (operating supplies)
Operating supplies are procured externally and required for the manufacture of other products. A material master record of this material type can contain purchasing data but no sales data.

NLAG (non-stock material)
Non-stock material is material that is not held in stock because it is consumed immediately. (Office supplies such as stationary. You need to create purchase order and accounting document for payment but the stock balance is always zero as it is issued out immediately to the various department.)

ROH (raw materials)
Raw materials are always procured externally and then processed. Since raw materials cannot be sold, a material master record of this material type contains no sales data.

UNBW (non-valuated materials)
Non-valuated materials are managed on a quantity basis, but not by value.

VERP (packaging materials)
Packaging materials are used to transport goods and come with the goods free of charge. A material master record of this material type is managed both on a quantity basis and by value.

WETT (competitive products)
Competitive products have their own material master records created from the Basic Data view. The competitor's number, which is stored in the material master record, assigns the material to a particular competitor.

Maintain the Material Type

OMS2 - Material Type Maintenance - Create/Change/Display


  • transaction OMS2
  • click Change
  • key in the Material Type you want to change e.g. FERT then hit enter

The Views belows allows you to choose the Views for each Material Type.
(Press the Page up/Page Down keys to scroll the views)

If you tried to change from FERT to HAWA in 4.6x, you will receive an error message :-
The material type cannot be changed. This is not allowed if only external procurement is defined for the new material type, or if the new material type has a different account category reference than the old material type.

To overcome it, goto OMS2 and change the HAWA material type.
In the Internal/external purchase orders sections:
Original Changes
Ext. purchase orders 2 1
Int. purchase orders 0 1

Screens in Material Master

  • MM01 - Create, MM02 - Change, MM03 - Display and MM06 - Flag for deletion.
  • MM04 - Display the changes done to the material master.
  • MMAM - Change the Material Type. for e.g. from FERT to HALB

Configure the Material Master Screen MM01 / MM02 / MM03

OMSR - Assign the field to the field group
OMS9 - Maintain the data screen field

Unit of Measure

In the material master, there is a Units of measure button for users to store in the different conversion rate. This sample program (ZUNT) extract the data from the unit of measure conversion table.

In the Material Master the moving average price are affected by:-

  • Goods Receipt for Purchase Orders
  • Transfer from Plant to Plant
  • Invoice Receipt
  • Settlement
  • Price Change

Common configuration changes-

  • define new material group (OMSF)
  • define new valuation class (OMSK) and automatic posting (OBYC)
  • define new material account assignment group (transaction OVK5) and

Customer/Material/Account keys (transaction VKOA)

Block materials from inventory posting

After blocking, when the user do a inventory posting, they will get this error message :-

E: Material xxxxx has status Blocked for procmnt/whse

To activate the blocking :-

Goto transaction MM02 - Purchasing View

Type in 01 at the MM/PP status field and save it

Create Delivery Log - Material xxx is blocked

During the Create Delivery (VL01), SAP prompt you a log that Material xxx is blocked.

During the Sales Order Create/Change for that material, there might be some update termination that causes the locked of the material (Windows hanged or power failure).

You can check using transaction SM12 - type an "*" at the User name field.

Check whether the material is in the locked list.

If it is in the locked list, asked the user to log out before you delete it from the locked list.

Maintain Storage Location

MMSC - Collective entry of Storage Location for a material.

Insert new or delete un-used Storage Location.

Maintain whether the storage location was included or excluded from MRP run.

Block Storage Location from further posting

1. You can block the storage location of a material without affecting the rest of the location using the same material.
Create a Physical Inventory document for the storage location with transaction MI01

Select the Posting Block checkbox.
This would prevent transactions from occuring until you either post or delete the physical inventory document.
(There are no impact, unless you do a post difference for the physical inventory document.)

2. Another method is to rename the storage location name.

Go to transaction OX09
Edit -> Copy as (copy the original storage location to a new name, replacing the first character e.g. ZXXX)
Edit -> Delete (delete the original storage location)

Do the reverse if you want back the original storage location.

Accounting document number range for MM

Transaction OMW9

Document Type - Double click on desire transaction code to check the document type for number range.
(e.g. MR21 Document type - PR)

Financial accounting document type - Assign the document type to a number range and account type.
(e.g. PR - Account type allowed for posting will be MS)

  • Double click on the document type PR.
  • Assign an unique starting number range that was not used. e.g. 88
  • Choose the Account type for Material and G/L account (MS)
  • The rest of the fields are optional (you can leave it as blank)

SAP definitions for account type -

  • A - Assets
  • D - Customers
  • K - Vendors
  • M - Material
  • S - G/L accounts

Number ranges for financial accounting document type - Assign the number range to the running number range.

No. Year (till) From number To number Current number Ext (no tick internal or tick external)
88 9999 8800000000 8899999999 Track by SAP Blank

Accounting document will be generated if there are stocks during price change, if you don't have any stocks, no accounting document will be generated as there are no inventory to revaluate for price differences.

Valuation Class for Material Group

In 4.6x and 4.5b, you can assign valuation class to Material Group.

It is useful in the sense that user do not have to manually do an Account Assignments.

For stock items, valuation class cannot be changed whenever the stock on hand is not zero.

Valuation class are tied to a G/L account.

A change of valuation class means a change of G/L account.

In FI concept, you have to debit and credit to balance the G/L account. That is why your stock must be zero before the system allows you to changed the valuation class. If it is not zero, you have to either transfer it to another material or do a dummy issues. After changing the valuation class, do a reversal entries for the stocks which you have transfer out or you have done a dummy issues.

IMG - Material Management -> Purchasing -> Material Master -> Entry aids for items without a Material Master

G/L Accounts in MM Account Determination

The program RM07C030 check all the G/L account define in your Material Master valuation class.

Search is via Company code and Valuation area.

Compare fields status for movement types against General Ledger

Use SA38 then run RM07CUFA

Mass Change Material Group In Materials Master

How I can move several materials belonging to one Material Group to another Material Group?

1. SE16 - MARA table find all the material with OLD_material_group.

2. MM17 - select TABLE as MARA and FIELDS as MATKL (material group), press execute.

Mass Change of Material Group - Select Table

Mass Change of Material Group - Select Field

3. In tab "Data Records to be changed", copy all the materials you have selected in step 1. Press execute.

4. In NEW VALUES field enter NEW_material_group. Press 'Carry out a mass change' button.

5. Press Save.

6. Check in MARA table for materials with new material group.

Change Base Unit of Measure using SAP MM

One raw material we assigned base unit of measure as OZ, later add alternate unit of measure as ML.

Now I wanted to change the base unit to ML and alternaet to OZ. For that I deleted component from the BOM. Related PO's, Prd ord and demand are closed. Deleted the alternate unit from purchasing and plant/stock (Area were we assign the alternate unit), then try to change it giving message as Unit of measure ML used as alternate unit. (In additinal data screen still the alternate unit and conversion available)

You can do the following procedure (after deleting the material in all concerened documents):

1. Delete the uom from Unit of issue field (General Plant Data / Storage 1) in MM if you have mentioned it there.

2. Go to additional data , use delete line tab and delete the conversion factor by keeping the cursor on that line.

3. Come to main data, now change the base unit of measure to the required one.

4. Then give the alternative unit of measure, system will ask for conversion factor.

5. Then save

MM Process Flow

The typical procurement cycle for a service or material consists of the following phases:

1. Determination of Requirements
Materials requirements are identified either in the user departments or via materials planning and control. (This can cover both MRP proper and the demand-based approach to inventory control. The regular checking of stock levels of materials defined by master records, use of the order-point method, and forecasting on the basis of past usage are important aspects of the latter.) You can enter purchase requisitions yourself, or they can be generated automatically by the materials planning and control system.

2. Source Determination
The Purchasing component helps you identify potential sources of supply based on past orders and existing longer-term purchase agreements. This speeds the process of creating requests for quotation (RFQs), which can be sent to vendors electronically via SAP EDI, if desired.

3. Vendor Selection and Comparison of Quotations
The system is capable of simulating pricing scenarios, allowing you to compare a number of different quotations. Rejection letters can be sent automatically.

4. Purchase Order Processing
The Purchasing system adopts information from the requisition and the quotation to help you create a purchase order. As with purchase requisitions, you can generate Pos yourself or have the system generate them automatically. Vendor scheduling agreements and contracts (in the SAP System, types of longer-term purchase agreement) are also supported.

5. Purchase Order Follow-Up
The system checks the reminder periods you have specified and - if necessary - automatically prints reminders or expediters at the predefined intervals. It also provides you with an up-to-date status of all purchase requisitions, quotations, and purchase orders.

6. Goods Receiving and Inventory Management
Goods Receiving personnel can confirm the receipt of goods simply by entering the Po number. By specifying permissible tolerances, buyers can limit over- and under deliveries of ordered goods.

7. Invoice Verification
The system supports the checking and matching of invoices. The accounts payable clerk is notified of quantity and price variances because the system has access to PO and goods receipt data. This speeds the process of auditing and clearing invoices for payment

mySAP Certification - Criteria For Application

The guidelines: Criteria to applying for a SAP Certification without Prerequisites:
"All candidates registering for the mySAP Certification Test must ensure that they have at least 2 years SAP implementation experience or have attended at least 15 days of relevant training in SAP. It needs to be the classes that SAP Ltd. arrange and accept. For example: HR400 - Payroll Configuration."

Proof of the above must be presented upon registration.

Proof can be given in the following ways:
1. A statement from the Project Manager on Letter Head indicating participant's experience or training.
2. A resume.
3. Certificate of Attendance from the various SAP courses attended.
- Candidates must meet criteria mentioned
- Certification enrolment must accompany payment (credit card details preferred) before registration will be processed
- Once payment is received and confirmation provided, cancellation (i.e amendment to dates) is not permitted
Here is a link to check dates of certification:
http://www.sap.com/trainingcatalog -> type in tacert
To find out more about certification test types offered:
- Click on "SAP Consultant Certification"
- Select your relevant certification area
To register:
- Select Registration
- Schedule of test only
To check out SAP Educational terms and conditions:
Quick course search:

SAP MM Certification Sample Questions for Materials Management

Caution: more than one answer may be correct.
Please mark ALL correct answers.

You wish to procure a material using a purchase order. You wish to take delivery of the material at different times. A graduated discount scale exists for the material. How do you proceed if you wish to take advantage of the discount arrangement?
A Enter several order items with the same material number and different delivery dates
B Enter one order item with the material number and assign the material to different accounts
C Enter an order item with the material number and create a number of schedule lines
D Enter a number of purchase orders for the material and specify different delivery dates
In the purchase order on which the goods receipt is based, you defined a purchase order unit that differs from the purchase order unit. What is the significance of the purchase order price unit and what should you take note of in the case of a goods receipts?
A The purchase order price unit is stored in the material master record or purchasing info record and defines the unit of
measure in which the material is ordered.
B The system establishes the relationship between the purchase order price unit and the purchase order unit conversion
in the purchase order.
C At the time of goods receipt, both the quantity in the purchase order unit and the quantity in the purchase order price
unit have to be entered, however, the quantity in purchase order pice unit is calculated by the system. You have to
change it when the calculated quantity differs from reality.
D Both at the time of goods receipt and invoice verification, the material is valuated on the basis of the purchase order unit.
You enter a goods issue and receive the following message: "W: On , only 0.000 pieces are available". What do you conclude from this?
A. No stocks of the material exist anywhere in the entire plant. Therefore, nothing can be withdrawn.
B. Only the specified storage location does not contain any stocks of the material. Therefore, nothing can be withdrawn.
C. The material exist in the specified storage location on the current day, however, it is unavailable, because of other
D. The message represents a warning which you can ignore by pressing the ENTER key.
Which of the following statements on procuring a material of the material type NLAG are correct?
A. The purchase order must be acount assigned.
B. The goods receipt must always be unvaluated.
C. when you enter an invoice, you can change the account assignement as long as the goods receipt was unvaluated.
D. When the material is for consumption, no document is ever created in Financial Acccounting.
Which of the following stock transfer are relevant to valuation?
A. Stock transfer from storage location to storage location in the same plant or company code.
B. Stock transfer from consignment stores of vendor XY to our unrestricted-use stock in storage location 0001.
C. Stock transfer from stock in quality inspection in storage location 001 to stock in quality inspection in storage
location 0002 in the same plant.
D. Stock transfer of a material from storage location 0001 from plant 0001 to plant 0002. The plants belong to
the same company, however the valuation areas are different (valuation level is plant).

How can you store long-term prices for services in the form of service conditions?
Answer 1 At the service level
Answer 2 At the service and plant level
Answer 3 At the service and vendor level
Answer 4 At the service, vendor and plant level
Answer 1 ,3 and 4 , Long term prices can be maintained at Service level, Service and Vendor level or Service, Vendor and Plant level.
What would you evaluate if you want to trace whether your purchase requisition items have been processed?
Answer 1 Material status
Answer 2 Processing status
Answer 3 Item Status
Answer No. 2: Processing status

SAP MM Self Test Questions

1. To view the most up to date planning data (available stock, orders, reservations, etc.) on a material, use the:
(more than one answer can be correct)
A Stock Overview report.
B List display of material and accounting documents.
C MRP list.
D Stock Requirement list.
E Standard Analysis for a material
2. A material forecast can be used by the following MRP types:
(Only one answer is correct)
A Manual Reorder point planning.
B Automatic reorder point planning.
C Forecast based planning.check
D Time phased planning.
E Storage location MRP
3. Materials planning can be set to automatically generate:
(more than one answer can be correct)
A Contracts.
B Purchase Requisitions.
C Purchase Orders.
D Planned Orders.
E Delivery Schedules.
4. The following are lot sizing rules available for SAP R/3:
(more than one answer can be correct)
A Fixed lot size.
B Replenish to maximum stock level.
C Weekly lot size.
D Daily lot size.
E Economic order quantity.
5. Which of the following apply to Purchase Orders?
(more than one answer can be correct)
A The vendor must be specified in the Purchase Order Header.
B All materials on a purchase order must be procured through the same purchasing group.
C All materials on a purchase order must be of the same material group.
D Discounts and surcharges can be maintained in the document header.
E Discounts and surcharges can be maintained at line item level.
6. Which of the following is an Account Assignment category?
(more than one answer can be correct)
A Material Group.
B Purchase Requisition.
C Sales Order.
D Release Code.
E G/L Account
7. Which of the following are Item Categories?
(more than one answer can be correct)
A Consignment.
B Service.
C Manufacturing.
D Cost Centre.
E Subcontracting.
8. Which of the following documents can be subject to release (approval) procedure?
(more than one answer can be correct)
A Planned Order.
B Purchase Requisition.
C Scheduling Agreement.
D Purchase Order.
9. In Source lists the following can be sources of supply:
(more than one answer can be correct)
A Vendor.
B Contract.
C Scheduling Agreement.
D Quotation.
E Quota Arrangement.
10. Which of the following document types can appear in the purchase order history for a purchase order line item?
(more than one answer can be correct)
A Another purchase order.
B A goods receipt material document.
C A service entry sheet.
D An invoice.
E A release procedure.

1. Answer - D
2. Answer - C
3. Answer - B, E
4. Answer - A, B, C, D
5. Answer - A, D, E
6. Answer - C
7. Answer - A, B, E
8. Answer - B, C, D
9. Answer - A, B, C, E
10. Answer - B, C, D

General Test of SAP MM Knowledge

1. What transaction key is used to post a valuated goods receipt for purchase order items not subject to account assignment?
2. What is value string WA01 defined for?
a Goods receipt of standard and subcontracting purchase order items without account assignment concerning valuated material into stock.
b Deliveries without charge
c Goods issues
d Other goods receipts
3. Which value string is defined for Goods receipt of standard and subcontracting purchase order items without account assignment concerning valuated material into stock?
a WE01
b WA14
c WA01
4. Which valuation string is used for Delivery without charge for material subject to standard price control, with posting date in the previous period and the standard price in the posting period is different to the standard price in the current period?
a WE01
b WA14
c WA01
5. What is the key for account determination that enables a G/L account assignment differentiation for the offsetting entry for an inventory posting?
a Valuation grouping code
b Chart of accounts
c Account grouping
d Valuation class
6. For which transaction key in materials Management in the standard system is account grouping active?
7. For which transactions can you change the account grouping?
a Invoice verification
b Inventory Management.
8. The rules that you use to define if the configuration of automatic posting for a posting transaction depends on which of the influencing factors?
a Valuation Group code
b Material/material type
c Account grouping
d Chart of accounts
e Valuation class
9. From where do the transaction keys for delivery cost postings come?
a Purchasing calculation schema
b Value string
10. What does the system use for the account assignment category to determine the default account?
a Transaction key PRD
b Transaction key GBB
c Valuation group code
d Account grouping
e Valuation class
11. What are the characteristics of a Document type for Accounting documents?
a Two character alphanumeric code
b One number range per document
c Cannot assign authorization group
d Determines whether net posting is determined for the documents.
e Account types that may be used with the document type may be selected when entering documents.
12. What are the features of number assignment for accounting documents from MM?
a Configured for each company code
b Always linked to the fiscal year
c Numbers assigned without gaps
d Defines whether number assignment is external or internal
e The interval from which the number is assigned.
13. The rules that you use to define if the configuration of automatic posting for a posting transaction depends on which of the influencing factors?
a Valuation Group code
b Material/material type
c Account grouping
d Chart of accounts
e Valuation class
14. From where do the transaction keys for delivery cost postings come?
a Purchasing calculation schema
b Value string
15. What does the system use for the account assignment category to determine the default account?
a Transaction key PRD
b Transaction key GBB
c Valuation group code
d Account grouping
e Valuation class
16. What are the characteristics of a Document type for Accounting documents?
a Two character alphanumeric code
b One number range per document
c Cannot assign authorization group
d Determines whether net posting is determined for the documents.
e Account types that may be used with the document type may be selected when entering documents.
17. What are the features of number assignment for accounting documents from MM?
a Configured for each company code
b Always linked to the fiscal year
c Numbers assigned without gaps
d Defines whether number assignment is external or internal
e The interval from which the number is assigned.

1. a
2. c, d
3. a
4. b
5. c
6. d
7. b
8. a, c,e
9. a
10. b, d
11. a, b, d, e
12. a, c, d, e
13. a, c, e
14. a
15. b, c
16. a, b, d, e
17. a, c, d, e
