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Friday, October 16, 2009

Overview of Quality Management

The Quality Management component (QM) is part of the integrated R/3 System. With the functions of the Quality Management (QM) module, you can implement the most important elements of a QM system, as specified in ISO 9000.

You use the QM component functions for the following quality management work:

Quality planning

  • Basic data for Quality Management
  • Inspection planning
Quality assurance
  • Quality inspection
  • Quality certificates
Quality control
  • Quality notifications
  • QM information system
In addition, it controls the creation of quality certificates and manages problems with the help of quality notifications.

Features and Benefits of SAP QM

The QM application component fulfills the following tasks:

Materials Management

  • Manages quality information for materials, vendors and manufacturers
  • Releases vendors and manufacturers; Monitors their QM systems
  • Manages the release status of delivery relationships, for example model or series deliveries
  • Evaluates vendors on the basis of quality using quality scores from audits, goods receipt inspections, and problem notifications
  • Dispatches quality documents (quality agreements, technical delivery terms) when requests for quotations and purchase orders are received
  • Requests quality certificates and monitors their receipt
  • Triggers source inspections to be carried out at the vendor’s premises before the vendor is due to make a delivery
  • Triggers inspections for goods movements, for example, goods receipt
  • Blocks payments until inspection lots are accepted
  • Manages the inventory of goods during the inspection and takes the goods being inspected into account for materials planning purposes
  • Transfers inspection results to batch characteristic values
  • Carries out batch determination using characteristic values from quality inspections
  • Monitors the shelf-life of batches and the deadline for recurring inspections
  • Manages problems using quality notifications and processes complaints against the vendor
  • Integrates inspection planning and work scheduling
  • Handles inspection characteristics and setup characteristics for operations
  • Manages quality inspections for manufacturing orders
  • Handles in-process inspections during production at freely defined inspection points
  • Triggers final inspection upon goods receipt from production
  • Manages partial lots of a material during production that differ in quality and assigns partial lots to batches
  • Confirms quality and quantity information for manufacturing orders
  • Monitors production quality with the help of control charts and determines process capability scores
  • Manages problems in production using quality notifications and by processing corrective tasks
Sales & Distribution
  • Manages customer-related quality information
  • Triggers an inspection at shipping when the delivery is created
  • Creates quality certificates with the delivery
  • Manages problems in sales & distribution with the help of quality notifications and by processing customer complaints
  • Settles appraisal and nonconformity costs

Main Functions of QM Functional Consultant

What are the main functions of mySAP QM functional consultant?

Generally, the consultant will do the following things:
1. Creation of Inspection plan (for RM,In-Process, HALB, FERT)
2. Creation of Qualtiy certificates
3. Quality Notifications
4. Test Equipment Management
5. Creation Master Inspection characterritics
6. Cretaion of Various Defect codes, Task codes etc
7. Stability study(Phama and Food industry)

However, it really depends on project to project. If you are in E2E project then....you need to do following things: -

- Project preparation
- Documentation of As-Is Business Process
- To-Be Business Blue Print Documentation and Gap Analysis
- Finalization of Enterprise Structure in SAP scenario
- SAP Configuration for QM module and mapping of process to meet requirement
- Customization of specific requirements and mapping to standard SAP
- Preparation of Test Scenarios
- Unit Testing
- Integration Testing
- Development of User Interfaces in ABAP/4 for uploading data
- Master Data Collection, preparation and uploading in SAP
- Collection of open items and upload in SAP
- Integration with all other modules like QM, SD, MM, CO, FI, etc
- Analysis for MIS & EIS requirements
- Specifications and development of customized reports
- Preparation of End Users Manual of SAP R/3
- Most important etc etc & etc

Use QM module for ISO

Can we use QM module to control the process of developing and maintaining ISO documents and requirements?

This should include the followings:
- Quality document control updates and versioning and distribution.
- Quality audit scheduling.
- Non-conformity reports.

There are ways to address these issues, but it depends what release you are on.

If you are using the newer products such as CRM - there is a fully developed Audit Management tool for the scheduling of audits (any kind of audit) in which you can create question lists and develop an Audit Plan. This Audit Management Tool is incorporated into the new Enterprise release.

If you are using any of the older releases you can use the Inspection Planning process to develop your audit questions. One can also get clever by creating 'Dummy Materials' and 'Dummy Batches' and use Shelf Life Expiry to trigger your inspection lots (audits).

The standard Document Management System should take care of your ISO documents - including version control, etc.

Important QM Tables

Area Table Description
Master Data QMAT Inspection type - material parameters
Master Data QMHU QM Link Between Inspection Lot and Handling Unit Item
Master Data QMTB Inspection method master record
Master Data QMTT Inspection Method Texts
Master Data QPAC Inspection catalog codes for selected sets
Master Data QPAM Inspection catalog selected sets
Master Data QPMK Inspection characteristic master
Master Data QPMT Master Inspection Characteristics Texts
Master Data QPMZ Assignment table - insp. methods/master insp. characteristic
Master Data TQ01D Authorization groups for QM master data
Master Data TQ01E Text authorization groups for QM master data
Master Data TQ21 Assignment of screens to screen groups
Master Data TQ25 QM:screen sequence for master and inspection characteristics
QM Master Data

Catalog QPCD Inspection catalog codes
Catalog QPCT Code texts
Catalog QPGR Inspection catalog code groups
Catalog QPGT Code group texts
Catalog TQ07 Follow-Up Action for Usage Decision of Inspection Lot
Catalog TQ07A QM: Function Modules for Follow-Up Action
Catalog TQ07T Language-dependent texts for Table TQ07
Catalog TQ15 Inspection catalog type index
Catalog TQ15T Language-dependent texts for table TQ15
Catalog TQ17 Defect classes
Catalog TQ17T Language-dependent texts for table TQ17

Sample Determination QDEB Allwd. Relationships: Sampling Procedures/Dynamic Mod. Rules
Sample Determination QDEBT Allowed combinations of procedures/dynamic mod. rules: texts
Sample Determination QDPA Sampling scheme-instructions
Sample Determination QDPK Sampling scheme header
Sample Determination QDPKT Sampling scheme: texts
Sample Determination QDPP Sampling scheme item
Sample Determination QDQL Quality level
Sample Determination

Inspection Char TQ17A Weighting of Char
Inspection Char TQ11 Inspection Qualification
Inspection Char TQ29 Tolerance Keys
Inspection Char T006 Unit of measurement
Inspection Char

Dynamic Modification QDBM Valuation mode
Dynamic Modification QDBMT Valuation Mode: Texts
Dynamic Modification QDDR Dynamic modification rule (header)
Dynamic Modification QDDRT Dynamic modification rule: texts
Dynamic Modification QDEP Allowed inspection severities
Dynamic Modification QDEPT Allowed Inspection Severities: Texts
Dynamic Modification QDFB Function modules for the individual procedure categories
Dynamic Modification QDFBT Function Modules for Procedure: Texts
Dynamic Modification QDFM Function modules for valuation mode
Dynamic Modification QDFMT Function Modules for Valuation Mode: Texts
Dynamic Modification QDPS Inspection stages for a dynamic modification rule
Dynamic Modification QDPST Inspection Stages: Texts
Dynamic Modification QDSA Sampling type
Dynamic Modification QDSAT Sampling Type: Texts
Dynamic Modification QDSV Sampling procedure
Dynamic Modification QDSVT Sampling Procedure: Texts
Dynamic Modification TQ39B QM : Activates reference for dyn. modification level
Dynamic Modification

Graphics & SPC QASH Quality control chart
Graphics & SPC QAST Control chart track
Graphics & SPC QPSH Control chart types
Graphics & SPC QPSHT Texts for control chart types
Graphics & SPC QPSP SPC criterion
Graphics & SPC QPSPT Texts for SPC criteria
Graphics & SPC QPST Control chart track
Graphics & SPC QPSTT Texts for control chart tracks
Graphics & SPC

Specifications QMSP QM: material specification

Inspection Plan PLKO Inspection plan Header
Inspection Plan MAPL Material Assignement
Inspection Plan PLPO Operation Details
Inspection Plan PLMK Inspection plan characteristics
Inspection Plan PLMW MAPL-Dependent Charac. Specifications (Inspection Plan)
Inspection Plan TQ03 QSS: Control for Screen Texts/TABLE NOT USED (Rel. 4.6)
Inspection Plan TQ29A Dependency tolerance key - nominal measurement
Inspection Plan TQ72 Type of share calculation
Inspection Plan TQ72T Texts for type of share calculation
Inspection Plan TQ75 QM formula parameters
Inspection Plan TQ75F Field names for QM formulas
Inspection Plan TQ75K Short text for Table TQ75F
Inspection Plan TQ75T Description of formula parameters
Inspection Plan

Qm in procurement QINF QM-info record for material and vendor
Qm in procurement TQ02 QM system definition
Qm in procurement TQ02A QM system assignment and QM system requirements
Qm in procurement TQ02B QM system
Qm in procurement TQ02T QM system description
Qm in procurement TQ02U Description QM system
Qm in procurement TQ04A Functions that can be blocked
Qm in procurement TQ04S QM block functions : texts
Qm in procurement TQ05 QM certificate categories for procurement
Qm in procurement TQ05T QM: text table for certificate types
Qm in procurement TQ08 Control of QM in procurement
Qm in procurement TQ08T QM: text for QM procurement keys
Qm in procurement TQ09 QM: agreement of QM document types
Qm in procurement TQ09T QM: agreement of QM document types
Qm in procurement TQ32A Inspection type to status assignment from status profile
Qm in procurement

QM in SD QVDM QM Info Record - QM Control in SD
QM in SD TQ32B Find insp.type for quality insp. for delivery note
QM in SD

Inspectio lot QALS Inspection lot record
Inspectio lot QALT Partial lot
Inspectio lot T156Q Movement Type: Material-Independent Control
Inspectio lot TQ30 Inspection types
Inspectio lot TQ30T Texts for inspection types
Inspectio lot TQ32 Assignment of inspection type to origin
Inspectio lot TQ32C Lot creation allowed values for the origin
Inspectio lot TQ32C _T Texts for lot creation indicator
Inspectio lot TQ33 Relevant fields for origin
Inspectio lot TQ34 Default values for inspection type
Inspectio lot

Inspection point QAPP Inspection point
Inspection point TQ79 Table with inspection point/user field combinations
Inspection point TQ79T Key words for inspeciton point user fields
Inspection point

Results Recording QAES Sample unit table
Results Recording QAKL Results table for value classes
Results Recording QAMR Characteristic results during inspection processing
Results Recording QAMV Characteristic specifications for inspection processing
Results Recording QASE Results table for the sample unit
Results Recording QASR Sample results for inspection characteristics
Results Recording QASV Sample specifications for inspection processing
Results Recording TQ12 Ind. external numbering for test units in results recording
Results Recording TQ12T Texts for the ind. for ext. numbering of units to be insp.
Results Recording TQ70 Control table for results recording
Results Recording TQ70C Function codes for navigation from the char.overview screen
Results Recording TQ70E Screen-based processing tables
Results Recording TQ70F Navigation during results recording
Results Recording TQ70S Characteristic overview screen for results recording
Results Recording TQ73 Origin of results data
Results Recording TQ73T Texts for origin of results data
Results Recording TQ74 Recording configuration
Results Recording TQ74T Recording configuration
Results Recording TQ76 Processing status of inspection characteristics
Results Recording TQ76T Texts for the processing status of insp. characteristics
Results Recording TQ77 Attributes for the Inspection Characteristic
Results Recording TQ77T Text Tables for Attributes
Results Recording TQ78 Status-dependent processing table for insp. characteristics
Results Recording TQ78T Texts for the status-specific proc. table for insp. char.
Results Recording

Defects recording TQ84 Confirmation profile
Defects recording TQ84T Text table for confirmation profile
Defects recording TQ86 Report category for defects recording
Defects recording TQ86A Assignment report category for work center
Defects recording TQ86T Text table for report category
Defects recording V_T35 2B_F Generated table for view V_T352B_F
Defects recording

Usage decision QAMB QM: Link Between Inspection Lot and Material Document
Usage decision QAVE Inspection processing: Usage decision
Usage decision TQ06 Procedure for Calculating the Quality Score
Usage decision TQ06T Language-specific texts for Table TQ06
Usage decision TQ07M QM: Inventory postings with usage decision
Usage decision

Sample Mgmt QPRN Sample drawing of phys. samples
Sample Mgmt QPRS Master record for phys. samples
Sample Mgmt QPRVK Sample-drawing procedure
Sample Mgmt QPRVK T Header for sample drawing procedure texts
Sample Mgmt QPRVP Sample-drawing items
Sample Mgmt QPRVP T Items for sample drawing procedure texts
Sample Mgmt TQ40 Definition of sample types
Sample Mgmt TQ40T Text table for sample type
Sample Mgmt TQ41 Storage locations for physical samples
Sample Mgmt TQ41T Texts for storage locations
Sample Mgmt TQ42 Physical sample containers
Sample Mgmt TQ42T Texts for phys. sample containers
Sample Mgmt

QMIS S068 Vendor statistics
QMIS S069 Material statistics
QMIS S097 QM notifications: Matl anal.
QMIS S098 QM notification: Vendor anal.
QMIS S099 QM notifications: Cust. anal.
QMIS S100 Problems: Material analysis
QMIS S102 Problems: Vendor analysis
QMIS S103 Problems: Customer analysis
QMIS S104 Customer statistics
QMIS S161 Inspection results: General
QMIS S162 Quantitative insp. results
QMIS S163 Quant. Insp. Result: Vendor
QMIS S164 Quant. Insp. Result: Vendor
QMIS S165 Inspection result: gen. custs
QMIS S166 Insp. Results: Quant. Customer
QMIS TQ55 Assign inspection lot origin for update group
QMIS TQ56 Definition of quality score classes
QMIS TQ56T Text table for the definition of quality score classes
QMIS TQ57 Assignment of quality score key to info structure

Quality Certificates QCPR QM quality certificates in procurement
Quality Certificates I000 Conditions for certificate profile
Quality Certificates KONDI Conditions: Data part for certificates
Quality Certificates QCVK Certificate profile header
Quality Certificates QCVM Certificate profile characteristic level
Quality Certificates QCVMT Certificate profile characteristic level: texts
Quality Certificates QCVV Certificate Profile: List of Preliminary Products
Quality Certificates TQ61 Result value origin for certificates
Quality Certificates TQ61T Origin of result values for certificates: texts
Quality Certificates TQ62 Output strategy for skip characteristics
Quality Certificates TQ62T Output strategy for skip characteristics: texts
Quality Certificates TQ63 Origin of insp. specs for certificates (function modules)
Quality Certificates TQ63T Origin of inspection specifications for certificates: texts
Quality Certificates TQ64 Origin of characteristic short text for certificates
Quality Certificates TQ64T Origin of characteristic short text for certificates: texts
Quality Certificates TQ65 Certificates: Combinations allowed for origins, specs/values
Quality Certificates TQ67 Certificate-Relevant Output Types
Quality Certificates

Quality Notification QMEL Notification header
Quality Notification QMFE Item
Quality Notification QMSM Task
Quality Notification QMMA Activities
Quality Notification T352C Catalog types for each catalog profile
Quality Notification TQ81 Notification Scenario
Quality Notification TQ81V Usage of parts
Quality Notification TQ81V_T Texts for usage of parts
Quality Notification TQ81_T Texts for Notification Scenarios
Quality Notification TQ82 Change of Notification Type
Quality Notification TQ83 Partner Functions for Codes
Quality Notification TQ85 Function table for follow-up functions
Quality Notification TQ85R Rules for Follow-Up Functions
Quality Notification TQ85_T Action box text table
Quality Notification TQ8CO Assignment of reference orders to notification type
Quality Notification

Other Objects MARA Material Number
Other Objects T001W Plant
Other Objects LFA1 Vendor
Other Objects KNA1 Customer
Other Objects AUFK Order Number
Other Objects SAFK Run Schedule Header Number
Other Objects MCH1 Batch Number
Other Objects MCHA Batch Record
Other Objects EKKO Purchasing Document Header
Other Objects EKPO Purchasing document Item
Other Objects EKET Delivery Schedule
Other Objects VBUK Delivery Header
Other Objects VBUP Delivery Item
Other Objects CSKS Cost Center
Other Objects EQUI Equipment Number

List of SAP QM Transaction Codes I

Q000 Quality management
QA00 Quality inspection
QA01 Create Inspection Lot
QA01A Create Inspection Lot
QA02 Change Inspection Lot
QA02A Change Inspection Lot
QA03 Display inspection lot
QA05 Job planning: Periodic inspection
QA06 Job overview: Periodic inspection
QA07 Trigger for recurring inspection
QA07L Deadline Monitoring Log
QA08 Collective Processing of Insp. Setup
QA09 No. range maintenance for insp.lots
QA10 Trigger automatic usage decision
QA10L Log for Automatic Usage Decision
QA11 Record usage decision
QA12 Change usage decision with history
QA13 Display usage decision
QA14 Change UD without history
QA16 Collective UD for accepted lots
QA17 Job planning for auto usage decision
QA18 Job overview for auto usage decision
QA19 Automatic usage decision
QA22 Change inspection point quantities
QA23 Display insp.point quantities
QA32 Change data for inspection lot
QA32WP QA32 -Call from Workplace/MiniApp
QA33 Display data for inspection lot
QA40 Auto. Usage Decision for Production
QA40L Log for Automatic Usage Decision
QA41 Scheduling UD for Production Lots
QA42 Job planning: UD prod. insp.lots
QA51 Scheduling Source Inspections
QA52 Source inspections: Job overview
QAC1 Change insp. lot actual quantity
QAC2 Transfer stock to insp. lot
QAC3 Reset sample
QAER Display archive objects
QAS1 Download Insp. Specs. (Obsolete)
QAS2 Download Basic Data (Obsolete)
QAS3 Upload Results (Obsolete)
QAS4 Upload UD (Obsolete)
QC01 Create certificate profile
QC02 Change certificate profile
QC03 Display certificate profile
QC06 Immediate delete of cert. profiles
QC11 Create cert. profile assignment
QC12 Change cert. profile assignment
QC13 Display cert. profile assignment
QC14 Create cert.prof.assign.w/copy model
QC15 Create cert. profile assignment
QC16 Change cert. profile assignment
QC17 Display cert. profile assignment
QC18 Create cert.prof.assign.w/copy model
QC20 Certificates for Deliveries
QC21 Quality certificate for the insp.lot
QC22 Quality Certificate for Batch
QC31 Archive display: Delivery item
QC32 Archive display: Inspection lot
QC40 Internet Certificate for Delivery
QC40A Internet Certificate for Delivery
QC42 Batch certificate on WWW
QC51 Create certificate in procurement
QC52 Change certificate in procurement
QC53 Display certificate in procurement
QC55 Worklist: Certificates - Procurement
QCC0 QM: Direct Access to IMG
QCC1 Direct Access to IMG: Notification
QCC2 IMG Direct Access: QM Q-Notification
QCC3 IMG Direct Access: QM Q-Inspection
QCC4 IMG Direct Access: QM Q-Planning
QCC5 IMG Direct Selection: QM Bus. Add-In
QCC_STABI Copy Stability Study Customizing
QCC_STABI_NK Copy Stability Study Number Ranges
QCCC QM standard settings complete
QCCF QM standard forms
QCCK QM standard settings: Catalogs
QCCM QM std. settings: Qual. notifs.
QCCN QM standard number ranges
QCCP QM std. settings: Quality planning
QCCS QM sampling schemes
QCCT QM standard texts
QCCU QM standard settings: Environment
QCCW QM std. settings: Quality inspection
QCCY Transport QM tolerance key
QCCZ QM std. settings: Qual. certificates
QCE2 Edit Communication Support
QCE3 Display Communication Support
QCYF QM standard forms (general)
QCYT QM standard texts (general)

What tcode to activate quality management, how to do this for all the material in the BOM. and what are the settings to be mainteined in the material master record?

by : Jeyaraj

1. Create quality view by MM01 for that material.In that activate procurement key. Goto inspection type tab page activate inspection type 01 for goods receipt inspection.

2. Create quality info record by QI01

3. Create quality plan by QP01. It is same as routing. Usage 5, Status 4,control key PPQM. Assign inspection character to that opn.

List of SAP QM Transaction Codes II

QD21 Mark completed notifications
QD22 Archiving Notifications: Archive
QD24 Archiving Notifications: Delete
QD25 Archiving Notifications: Admin.
QD33 Delete quality level
QD34 Delete quality level planning
QD35 Delete job overview for Q-levels
QDA1 Edit sampling type
QDA3 Display sampling type
QDB1 Maintain allowed relationships
QDB3 Display allowed relationships
QDH1 Q-level evaluation: Change data
QDH2 Q-level evaluation: Display data
QDL1 Create quality level
QDL2 Change quality level
QDL3 Display quality level
QDM1 Edit valuation mode
QDM3 Display valuation mode
QDP1 Create sampling scheme
QDP2 Change sampling scheme
QDP3 Display sampling scheme
QDR1 Create dynamic modification rule
QDR2 Change dynamic modification rule
QDR3 Display dynamic modification rule
QDR6 Disp. where-used list-dyn. mod. rule
QDR7 Replace dynamic mod. rule used
QDV1 Create sampling procedure
QDV2 Change sampling procedure
QDV3 Display sampling procedure
QDV6 Uses: Sampling procedures
QDV7 Replace sampling procedure used
QE00 Quality Planning
QE01 Record characteristic results
QE02 Change characteristic results
QE03 Display characteristic results
QE04 Record sample results
QE05 Change sample results
QE06 Display sample results
QE09 Indiv.display of charac.result
QE09WP Call QE09 from Workplace
QE11 Record results for inspection point
QE12 Change results for inspection point
QE13 Display results for inspection point
QE14 Record results for delivery note
QE15 Change results for delivery note
QE16 Display results for delivery note
QE17 Record results for equipment
QE18 Change results for equipment
QE19 Display results for equipment
QE20 Record results for funct. location
QE21 Change results for funct. location
QE22 Display results for funct. location
QE23 Record results for phys. sample
QE24 Change results for phys. sample
QE25 Display results for phys. sample
QE29 No. Range Maint.: Conf. No. for Char
QE51 Results recording worklist
QE51N Results Recording Worklist
QE52 Worklist: Results for phys. sample
QE53 Worklist: Record results for equip.
QE54 Worklist: Results for funct. loctns
QE71 Tabular res. recording for insp. pts
QE72 Tabular Results Rec. for Insp. Lots
QE73 Tabular res. recording for characs.
QEH1 Worklist for Mobile Results Rec.
QEI1 Displaying QM Interfaces Appl. Log
QEI2 Deleting QM Interfaces Appl. Log
QEW01 Results Recording on Web
QEW01V Variant Maint.: Recording on Web
QF01 Record defect data
QF02 Change defect data
QF03 Display defect data
QF11 Record defects for inspection lot
QF21 Record defects for operation
QF31 Record defects for characteristic
QG09 Maint. num. range Q control charts
QGA1 Display quality score time line
QGA2 Display inspection results
QGA3 Print inspection results
QGC1 Qual. control charts for insp. lots
QGC2 Control charts for task list charac.
QGC3 Control charts for master insp. char
QGD1 Test Equipment Usage List
QGD2 Test Equipment Tracking
QGP1 Results history for task list charac
QGP2 Results History for Task List Charac
QI01 Create quality info. - purchasing
QI02 Change qual.information - purchasing
QI03 Display quality info. - purchasing
QI04 Job planning for QM procurement keys
QI05 Mass maintenance QM procurement keys
QI06 QM Releases: Mass maintenance
QI07 Incoming insp. and open pur. orders
QI08 Job overview of QM procurement keys
QISR Internal Service Request
QISR1 Internal Service Request - Forms
QISR_PCR60 vc_scenario for Message type 60(PCR)
QISR_SM29 ISR Customizing: Table Transfer
QISR_SR12_START Suggestion System
QISRSCENARIO Customizing Szenario
QISRTRANSPORT ISR Customizing Transport
QISRW Internal Service Request on the Web
QK01 Assign QM order to material
QK02 Display assigned QM orders
QK03 Maintain specs. for order type
QK04 Create QM order
QK05 Confirmed activities for insp. lot
QL11 Mat: Distribute Inspection Setup-ALE
QL21 Master Inspection Characs (ALE)
QL31 Distribute Inspection Methods (ALE)
QL41 Distribute Code Groups (ALE)
QM00 Quality Notifications
QM01 Create quality notification
QM02 Change quality notification
QM03 Display quality notification
QM10 Change list of quality notifications
QM10WP QM10 - Call from Workplace/MiniApp
QM11 Display List of Qual. Notifications
QM12 Change list of tasks
QM13 Display list of tasks
QM13WP QM13 - Call from Workplace/MiniApp
QM14 Change list of items
QM15 Display list of items
QM16 Change activity list
QM17 Display activity list
QM19 List of Q Notifications, Multi-Level
QM50 Time line display Q notifications
QMW1 Create quality notification (WWW)
QP01 Create
QP02 Change
QP03 Display
QP05 Print inspection plan
QP06 List: Missing/unusable insp. plans
QP07 List: Missing/Unusable GR InspPlans
QP08 Print task lists for material
QP11 Create reference operation set
QP12 Change reference operation set
QP13 Display reference operation set
QP48 Number Ranges for Physical Samples
QP49 Number range for phys. samp. drawing
QP60 Time-related development of plans
QP61 Display change documents insp.plan
QP62 Change documents ref.operation sets
QPIQS8 QM MiniApp Selection Variant
QPIQS9 QM MiniApp Selection Variant
QPNQ Number ranges for inspection plans
QPQA32 QM MiniApp Selection Variant
QPQGC1 QM MiniApp Selection Variant
QPQM10 QM MiniApp Selection Variant
QPQM13 QM MiniApp Selection Variant
QPR1 Create physical sample
QPR2 Change physical sample
QPR3 Display physical sample
QPR4 Confirm physical sample drawing
QPR5 Manual inspection lots for physSamps
QPR6 Create new phys.-samp. drawing w.ref
QPR7 Storage Data Maintenance
QPV2 Maintain sample drawing procedure
QPV3 Display sample drawing procedure
QS21 Create master insp. characteristic
QS22 Create master insp. charac. version
QS23 Change master insp. charac. version
QS24 Display master insp. charac. version
QS25 Delete master insp. charac. version
QS26 Display characteristic use
QS27 Replace master insp. characteristic
QS28 Display insp. charac. list
QS29 Maintain characteristic number range
QS31 Create inspection method
QS32 Create inspection method version
QS33 Change inspection method version
QS34 Display inspection method version
QS35 Delete inspection method version
QS36 Display inspection method use
QS37 Central replacement of methods
QS38 Display inspection method list
QS39 Maintain method number range
QS41 Maintain catalog
QS42 Display catalog
QS43 Maintain catalog
QS44 Maintain catalog
QS45 Display catalog
QS46 Display code group use
QS47 Central replacement of code groups
QS48 Usage indicator - code groups
QS49 Display code groups and codes
QS4A Display catalog
QS51 Edit Selected Sets
QS52 Display selected set index
QS53 Maintain individual selected set
QS54 Maintain selected set
QS55 Display selected set
QS58 Usage indicator - selected sets
QS59 Display selected sets
QS61 Maintain material specification
QS62 Display material specification
QS63 Maintain material spec: Planning
QS64 Display material spec: For key date
QS65 Activate material specification
QS66 Plan activation of material spec.
QS67 Job overview: Activate mat. spec.
QSR5 Archive inspection plans
QSR6 Delete routings
QST01 Create Stability Study
QST03 Display Stability History
QST04 Display Inspection Plans
QST05 Graphical Scheduling Overview
QST06 Scheduling Overview (StabilityStudy)
QST07 Change Testing Schedule Items
QST08 Display Testing Schedule Items
QSUB Define subsystems
QT00 Test Equipment Management
QT01 Test equipment management
QTSA Product Allocations: Send Quantities
QTSP Product Allocations:Send Customizing
QUERY_BP_FSBPBILDER BP: Screen Customizing for Query
QV01 Create quality assurance agreement
QV02 Change quality assurance agreement
QV03 Display quality assurance agreement
QV04 Find Quality Assurance Agreement
QV11 Create technical delivery terms
QV12 Change technical delivery terms
QV13 Display technical delivery terms
QV14 Search technical terms of delivery
QV21 Create QA agreement (DocType Q03)
QV22 Change Q-agreement (doc. type Q03)
QV23 Display Q-agreement (doc. type Q03)
QV24 Find Q-agreement (doc. type Q03)
QV31 Create Q-spec. (doc.type Q04)
QV32 Change Q-specification (docType Q04)
QV33 Displ. Q-specification (docType Q04)
QV34 Find Q-specification (doc. type Q04)
QV51 Create control for QM in SD
QV52 Change control for QM in SD
QV53 Display control for QM in SD
QVM1 Inspection lots without completion
QVM2 Inspection lots with open quantities
QVM3 Lots without usage decision
QZ00 Quality Certificates

List of All The Standard QM Reports

rts and their description:

QA33 : Inspection Lot List
Quality report against Inspection Lot - Results
QC55 : Quality Certificate List in Procurements
MMBE : Material stock overview – Quality / Unrestricted / Block etc.
MB52 : Ware House stock & Valuation (Quality / Unrestricted / Block etc.)
MB51 : Material document List
CC04 : Display product Structure
MCXC : Material Analysis (Month wise)
MCXI : Material analysis
MCXB : Material inspection result analysis
MCVA : Vendor analysis – material inspection lot wise
MCOA : Customer analysis – m aterial inspection lot wise
QGA2 : Inspection results day wise
QS28 : List of Master Inspection Characteristics
QS26 : MIC where used lists
QS38 : List of Inspection methods
QS36 : Inspection method where used lists.
QS49 : Code Groups & Codes
QS59 : Selected sets
QM11 : Display Quality notification Lists
QM19 : Multilevel Quality notification List
MCXV : Quality Notification analysis

How to do Source Inspection in QM

Can any one guide how to do Source Inspection in QM. What are the settings required to be done and can the lot for source inspection be trigerred manually or automatically.

The Q-Info Record is used to trigger a source inspection lot for a material/vendor and plant. Under the tab key Inspection Control in Q-Info Record, you would find vendor source Inspection and under that select the inspection type desired for source inspection (say 01,0101) and give the lead time required to perform the inspection in days (say 10 days). If you do not want to trigger an inspection lot @ GR for a source Inspection lot then check the box (Source Insp. No Gr).

Ensure that the inspection type selected @ source inspection is activated in the Material Master Record for the chosen material in the Quality Management View.

To trigger the lot manually you need to have some open purchase orders for the material/plant/vendor. Go to transaction QI07 and give the material code,vendor,plant and opening period. When you execute the transaction you would find open purchase orders for the given input data. Select the Purchase Order you wish to perform S.I and choose Create Inspection Lot.

This would trigger the lot and then it is QE01 & QA11.


Two more questions ..

1. Purchase order for this material (which has to undergo source inspection) will show open order qty until GR is
posted for this material.Inspection lot created thru QI07 is not stock posting relevant i.e. you can not post the
quantity to Unrestricted use stock.The procedure you have mentioned allows you to record results but in
the UD there is no Stock posting tab thru which you can post the material to Unrestricted use stock. How
will you take care regarding posting of this material to Unrestricted stock.

2. Can we have inspection type 01(GR insp for PO) & 0101 (Source Inspection) activated at the same time in the
Material master record for a material.Have you come across such a scenario.What will be the implication if
both the inspection types are activated.


1) Source Inspection(SI): Well, you need to understand the concept and use of Source Inspection. The inspection lots created using this are not stock relevant as the material is not inward thru GR at the point when these lots are triggered. Hence the UD will not have a stock posting tab and if you want a stock posting tab then it becomes normal inspection (01). Hope you understand the difference, also after results record & UD if you decide not to have a inspection lot triggered @ GR then you need to update it in the Q-Info record. The settings for this scenario are already given below.

2) Inspection type (01,0101) can be activated @ the same time.In addition to this you can have a preferred indicator set for the inspection type you want to be selected when you perform goods receipt.
This check box is available in the inspection type set up in the Material master. If you do not check the preferred inspection type then the variant 01 for lot origins 01 is given preference.

If you want an inspection type 0101 to be triggered @ SI then you need to define this in the Q-Info record.

Procedure For Source Inspection

What is the process of source inspection?

The Q-Info Record is used to trigger a source inspection lot for a material/vendor and plant. Under the tab key Inspection Control in Q-Info Record, you would find vendor source Inspection and under that select the inspection type desired for source inspection (say 01,0101) and give the lead time required to perform the inspection in days (say 10 days).

If you do not want to trigger an inspection lot @ GR for a source Inspection lot then check the box (Source Insp. No Gr).

Ensure that the inspection type selected @ source inspection is activated in the Material Master Record for the chosen material in the Quality Management View.

To trigger the lot manually you need to have some open purchase orders for the material/plant/vendor. Go to transaction QI07 and give the material code, vendor, plant and opening period.

When you execute the transaction you would find open purchase orders for the given input data. Select the Purchase Order you wish to perform Source Iinspection and choose Create Inspection Lot.

This would trigger the lot and then it is QE01 & QA11 *-- Krishna

We have an inprocess inspection set in the PP routing. We have three MIC's attached that take varying amounts of completion time. SAP will allow confirmation of that step when only one of the MIC's has been entered. We need the system to NOT allow confirmation (in CO11N) until the UD is made.

The following steps can be done if more than one operation is there in routing.

1. The operation which requires inspection completion need to be given with the control key having milestone confirmation.
2. In SPRO-Producion-shop floor control-Operation- Define confirmation parameters, select the order type that will be used for production.
3. In detail screen, In check area - for Results Rec.QM field,change to error message if no inspection results exists.
4. The system will check, if any result recording has been carried out for that operation.
5. The drawback will be, if one MIC is recorderd and others left without value, still the system will allow to confirm the production order.

The above holds good only if there are more than 1 operation. if one operation is there in the routing, directly we can activate the "04 inspection type" for the material and move to quality stock during final confirmation.

What is Source Inspection

What is source inspection and what are the setup required to do in system to implement successfully?

A source inspection is a quality inspection in which Buyer required the quality check before the material received. So that he performed the quality inspection at the vendor’s Location.

To setup source inspection, you should define inspection type (01 and 0101) in material master QM View. (MM01)

When requesting source inspection, include the following information:

a) Purchase order number
b) Item number
c) Part number
d) Quantity of parts to be inspected
e) Date source inspection is required
f) Types of inspection required
- In Process
- Final
- Interim
- First Article Inspection (FAI)
g) Contact name and phone number

Go to transaction QI07 and give the material code, vendor, plant and opening period. When you execute the transaction you would find open purchase orders for the given input data. Select the Purchase Order you wish to perform Source Inspection and choose Create Inspection Lot. These inspection lot triggers for inspection type 0101. Against this inspection Lot perform result recording QE01 & QA11.

When finally you received Goods at your premises, then inspection lot will triggered automatically (01) and perform result recording QE01 & QA11

Activities to be Carried Out in Quality Inspection

What are the activities to be carried out to define the Quality inspection in the process?

I want to activate a Quality inspection after some operation, what I have to do?

by : Parthasarathy

1. Initially, we need to have the the material master with the type of inspection you want to carryout and other required masters for carrying out inspection such as MIC, inspecion method, Catalogs and sampling procedure.

2. If inspection at receipt stage is required, then Inspection plan for goods receipt need to be created to release the inspection lot for results recording.

3. For In-process inspection, the MIC needs to be attached in the routing itself and separate inspection plan is not required for the same.

4. For inspection during the final confirmation of the production order, inspection plan for goods receipt needs to be made. (similar to goods receipt from purchase order).

5. Similarly, ispection plan can be created for the goods issue inspection also.

Our scenario is as follows:

We have multiple operation in the process to make the product which were all defined in routing but the catch here is that 3 operations to be done in one section and after that the lot come to Quality by confirming the production order and then it goes to some other section for another operation and again then it comes back to same section where it was already moved.

Now what is required is that they want to move the material to quality once again after another process.

As per your process, mapping in SAP depends upon the routing you have made for your product.

I am explaining the standard process with the following scenario:

Scenario: material "A" has 5 operations in the routing. First three operation are done in a shop and inspected. If found ok, then the material is moved to the next shop for fourth operation. checking is carried out before proceeding to the next step.

1. In in-process inspection, stock posting to the quality stock is not possible, since the material is still with the production department with a production order and also it is not confirmed.

2. If you want the material to be posted to inspection stock, then semi finished material has to be produced after step 3, and the routing should have only three steps. So, final confirmation from production order can be made and stock posting to inspection stock is possible.

3. If your motive is, compulsory checking after step 3, then the operation 3 in routing should have milestone confirmation control key and we can change system settings to avoid confirmation of each operation without results recording.
Drawback: If more than one parameter has to be checked in the above process compulsarily, the system does not check for all the parameters. It checks only whether one result recording has been carried out or not.

Inspection For Delivery To Customer

In my case, I want activity inspection against delivery for specific customers and each customer has different specification. When I activate inspection against delivery in material master QM view, it stops all the delivery of material for all customer and pick a single inspection plan for every customer.
Please suggest
1. How to activate QM for delivery for specific customer's only?
2. How to maintain Inspection plan & specification against each customer?

by : Prashant Deepak

Is your client on ECC 6.0 ? , if yes , then desired functionality has been taken care by providing multiple specifications.

This functionality features -
- Different inspection specifications for an inspection characteristic, such as customer-specific requirements or requirements specified by pharmacopoeia, authorities, or country-specific legal requirements.
- Determination of the suitability or admissibility of a batch based on multiple specifications.
- Supports the entire process from inspection planning and testing to batch classification and determination, and certificate processing.

The solution for multiple specifications is part of the SAP Enterprise LIMS solution within mySAP PLM QM. The enabling of multiple specifications within mySAP PLM QM supports the whole process, from inspection planning and testing to batch classification and determination, and certificate processing. The business demand arises from the fact that individual specifications may exist for different customers or countries, whereas production follows a make-to-stock scenario (non customer-specific). So, in the end the resulting batch could be within the internal organization specification, but not suitable for a specific customer or country due to individual specifications. For example, exporting a drug to Japan requires other tolerances of a specific characteristic due to legal requirements compared to Europe.

Business Benefits :
- Improves operational efficiency in industry scenarios requiring quality inspections based on multiple specifications.
- Facilitates the allocation of production batches to customer orders, as it also integrates with inventory and batch management as well as sales and distribution.
- Completes the quality management application used as a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS).
- Covers legal requirements (Good Manufacturing Practice).

However , if you are on lower versions than ECC 6.0 , you may have to look for some User Exits to get the desired requirements.

Settings Required for a Material Inspection

Can you tell me the necessary settings required for a meterial Inspection - Purchased as raw material, where some MICs are checked with every lot and some are checked once a month. In a month there could be one lot or several lots (10 or 20 or 0 etc.)

With best regards,

Sukhbir P Mittal

You create necessary MICS. Then assign MICS to Inspn plan in QP01.

For those MICS which need inspn every lot (critical characs chk),do not enter a dyn mod rule.

For those that need skip type inspn,say inspect first lot , if ok then skip rest 29 lots (Asumption 1 lot per day,so 30 lots a
month)-for this u need to create rule using QDR1. & assign the rule into the specific MIC in the inpn plan charac over view.

Also plan header need to be populated for dyn mod level at charac level & rule.

Pl. try this out & let us know.