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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Introducing QM in Production

During production, it may be necessary for you to carry out a several individual inspections at different intervals or as a result of certain events. With the component QM in Production, you can process inspections during a production operation (while manufacturing discrete parts) or a process phase (while producing process goods).

The inspection characteristics in Quality Management (QM) are integrated in the work scheduling (Material Master view) and production processing functions (routing operations) of the Production Planning (PP) component.

Inspection Points

Using inspection points for an inspection during production, you can:

  • Inspect materials at regular intervals
    • Time-based intervals (for example, an inspection point every hour or for each work shift)
    • Quantity-based intervals (for example, an inspection point for each container)
    • Freely-defined intervals (for example, an inspection point each time a tool change occurs)
  • Record inspection results for each inspection point (for example, for each container or work shift) and valuate each inspection point with a "usage decision"
  • Assign a produced quantity to each inspection point and allocate the inspection point quantities to partial lots

  • It is recommended that you allocate inspection points with the same usage decision to partial lots. This allows you to manage partial quantities that differ in quality. In this way, you can monitor the production process continuously with respect to the inspection characteristics.
Inspection lot creation

When a production order is released, the system creates an inspection lot record to manage the inspection specifications and inspection results for all operations.

Recording inspection results for an inspection point

When you record inspection results in QM, you can also confirm the operations in the PP component. This can occur automatically. You can confirm the inspection point quantities in PP in the form of a partial or final confirmation. If you want to confirm additional data in production planning (in addition to the inspection point quantities and target activities), you can call up a dialog box for a detailed confirmation. In this dialog box, you can record such information as actual times or personnel-related data. You can also record defects.

Inspection completion

When you process partial lots and confirm an inspection point, the system automatically proposes a "usage decision" for each partial lot based on the inspection point valuation. You can change the proposed code within the predefined code group.

The usage decision for the inspection lot confirms that all inspections have been completed or that the production order has been completed from a QM standpoint. To make the usage decision for the inspection lot, you can define a job that makes automatic usage decisions at predefined intervals, once the orders have been completed.

Proposed quantity for a goods receipt from production

The inspection point quantities for the last QM-relevant operation are proposed for the goods receipt posting for the order. Only the quantities confirmed to PP as a yield or rework quantities are taken into consideration.

Maintaining the Material Master Data

To activate your SAP Quality Management view in Material Master, goto transaction OMS2 and activate those material type that will have the Quality Management view.

For inspections during production with inspection point processing, you maintain the following data in the Quality management view of the material master (Inspection set-up):

Inspection type

You can use the following inspection types for inspections during production with inspection point processing:

  • Inspection during production
  • Inspection for run schedule headers
Indicator for the inspection type :-
    You must set the following indicators for the inspection type:
    • Insp. with task list
    • Insp. by charac.

    • If you set this indicator, you do not necessarily have to plan inspection characteristics in the task list. For example, you can also create unplanned characteristics directly in results recording. These characteristics are maintained in the order.

      If you want to carry out an inspection during production on the basis of a task list and material specification, you must also set the indicator Inspect with mat. spec.

QM view in material master

Subject: QM view in material master

Help please,

For some material in QM view of material master I don't have the field QM control key for
some I have this field.
How I can activate the view of this field?

Thanks in advance

------Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: QM view in material master


are you taliking about QM procurement key? If so you can maintain by transaction QI05.
This is for mass maintanance of QM procurement key in the material master.


------Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: QM view in material master

The problem is that I can't see the field of control key in procurement in the QM view.
For some material I've only the field QM proc. active and Tech. delivery terms but I don't see
QM control key, Certificate type, Target QM system even if I create with QI05 a control key.
How I can see these fields?


------Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: QM view in material master

Select an organization level for the material. For QM view organization level plant should be
selected. The field you have mentioned are plant specific.

Hope this will solve ur problem.

Still ur not getting then check the field selection group 99 for ur material types.(Transaction
code OMS9 )

------Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: QM view in material master


You can customize the material master views for the combination of Material Type and
Plant. In this you can specify which fields are to be shown and what are to be hidden .

You go thro the IMG and see if that is the reason for your QM control key not being


------Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: QM view in material master

The point is that you have to create the QM view for the material-plant.
Try Tx MM01.
If the material is marked to be QM-active but the view is not created, you have some kind
of standard view for the QM-view (with MM02) but without specific data for that plant (the
sympton is that the key is not shown !!)
Try this and let me know

------Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: QM view in material master


now it works!

Reverse Goods Receipt Postings or GRN From Inspection Lot

You cannot reverse GR in Inventory only.

You need to do the following steps :-

Step 1. - Materials Management (MM)

Create and process a return delivery with reference to the original purchase order using the functions of Inventory Management (IM). Make sure Movement type is 102 and stock type indicator to the stock to which the goods were originally posted with the usage decision (for example, F for unrestricted use stock or S for blocked stock).

Step 2. - Quality Management (QM)

Cancel the inspection lot in QM using the function to change the usage decision.

Logistics - Quality management - Quality inspection - Inspection lot - Usage decision - Change with History - Usage decisions - Functions - Cancel lot

How can we reverse the GRN ?
Status : Insp Lot generated, Result recorded, UD done, Stock posting done (QI stock to Unrestricted stock).

Kindly do the following :

Choose Logistics -> Materials Management -> Inventory Management -> Goods Movement -> Goods receipt -> For purchase order -> PO number known.

- The initial screen for creating a goods receipt for a purchase order appears.
- In the field for the movement type, enter 102 (goods receipt for a purchase order into warehouse - reversal).
- In the field for the purchase order, enter the purchase order number for the original goods receipt.
- You can copy the purchase order number from the inspection lot.
- Choose Enter to display the selection screen for the purchase order items.
- Select the purchase order item for which you want to create the goods receipt and set the Stock type indicator to the stock to which the goods were originally posted with the usage decision (for example, F for unrestricted-use stock or S for blocked stock).
- Save the goods receipt and exit the Materials Management component.

Choose Logistics -> Quality management -> Quality inspection -> Inspection lot -> Usage decision -> Change with history.

- The initial screen for changing a usage decision appears.
- Enter the number of the inspection lot for which you previously made the usage decision and choose Usage decision (UD).

To cancel the inspection lot, choose Usage decision -> Functions -> Cancel lot in the usage decision screen.

QA: Make/Buy Material - Inspection Problem

Subject: QA: Make/Buy Material - Inspection Problem

We have some FERT that at the same time we are manufacturing (Using
Inspection type 13 (Online Inspection), we have to receive from a vendor,
where we have to use inspection type 01.
We found the work around to deactivate in the Materila view for QA, the
inspection type not desired for the transaction. It mean, if we want to
perform Incoming inspection, we deactive Online Inspection; and if we want
to perform Online Inspection, we deactivate Incoming Inspection.
Does any body have experience with a real solution?
Any help will be really appreciated!

Thank you very much!

-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: QA: Make/Buy Material - Inspection Problem

You can differentiate in the Inspection Plan Usage, keeping both inspection types active in the
material master QM View.

HOpe this helps.


Quality Certificate

Subject: Quality Certificate


We r trying for Quality certificate for delivery type LO(delivery without reference) by using
inspection type 11. We have created certificate profile and assigned it to customer &
material combination. Certificate recipient is also created for output type LQCB. We have
maintained the certificate profile determination as well as output determination in the

In the delivery we are creating two messages. First one LD00 and second one is LQCB. In
QC20 transaction for LD00, We are getting the delivery and delivery note. But for LQCB, the
system is giving the error that "No messages"

We are getting the certificate for the lot which is created for that delivery in Transaction
code QC21.

Please tell me..Is there anything we are missing.

-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: Quality Certificate

Have you maintained the Output conditions VV22 ?

-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: Quality Certificate


U said output conditions VV22. If We are right, then you mean to say we have to maintain
condition types in application V2. Right????

Yes we have maintained the condition types in application V2.

-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: Quality Certificate

Hi !

What I ment was Transaction VV22.

I'm not quite sure what links I'm actually making, but I know that I need to maintain it
every time we set up a new Sales org in our system.

What I do is :

Transaction VV22

Enter output type, in this case :LQCB

Choose the right 'Key combination'
(We use 'Sales org/Delivery type', I'll use that as example)

Enter your Sales org (or whatever depending on your Key comb.)
Press Execute
Enter necessary data
(We use Delivery type: LF = Delivery
Partner function : SP = Sold-to
Media : 1 = Print output
Dispatch time : 3 = Send with applic own transaction.)

Hope this is of some help.


-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: Quality Certificate


You wrote "In the delivery we are creating two messages. First one LD00 and second one
is LQCB."

I'm not sure whether you know that you should maintain LQCB on the level of the position
and not on header level. That means you should maintain LD00 and LQCB on different

Another reason could be the additional data of LQCB in the delivery, which are the same as
in VV22.


QM Inspection method printing

Subject: QM Inspection method printing

During inspection lot creation (automatically) I have set to print
Inspection instructions and sample drawing inspections, neither of which
prints the 'inspection method' assigned to the MIC.
My client wishes to put specific information in the instruction methods
which differentiate slightly differing methods for tests.
Any help is appreciated...

-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: QM Inspection method printing

In the Standard functionality of SAP, Inspection Instructions print the
Inspection methods assigned for each of the inspection characteristics. You
please verify the print control settings in the IMG for the layout sets
assigned for the inspection instructions.

I hope it helps.

QM Inspection Type for SD Delivery in Returned Goods

Subject: QM Inspection Type for SD Delivery in Returned Goods


Any ideas on how to do stock postings in Iinspection Lots that are
automatically created upon delivery.

The only ooption I have right now is to create a new SPECAIL GOODS RETURN
Inspection Type

We want to post to inspection stock once the Delivery has been completed. The
standard SAP automatic Inspection Lot that is created does not allow us to
post to stock.

We have a hard time believing that that standard SAP would not allow us POST
TO STOCK upon delivery of non-valuated goods returned (type RE)

Any help will be appreciated. If you would cc me on SAPGuru1@aol for a
response, it would be much appreciated.


-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: QM Inspection Type for SD Delivery in Returned Goods

In the QM view for your material, there is an inspection type 06 - for "goods
returned from the customer". This must have been activated and needs to be

This assumes that you do not ever wish to inspect the returns for this material

-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: QM Inspection Type for SD Delivery in Returned Goods

The issue is "inspection type for customer returns" DOES NOT ALLOW US to post
to inspection stock.

I was trying to create a SPECIAL inspection type that would allow me to POST
TO INSPECTION stock. As you know some inspection types do not allow us to post
to inspection stock (SD and Production)


-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: QM Inspection Type for SD Delivery in Returned Goods

There already is an inspection type for returns from customer. This must have
been activated somewhere along the line. Examine the QM view for the inspection
type and deactivate it or toggle off the Post to inspection stock indicator for
the inspection type.

-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: QM Inspection Type for SD Delivery in Returned Goods

I think your problem will be to tie this new inspection type to the
customer return event. I'd have to check into it when I'm on site

-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: QM Inspection Type for SD Delivery in Returned Goods

Transfer with movement type 321 should work.

-----End of Message-----

Inspection Lot in Inventory Movement

Inspection Lot at 103 movement

Can movement type 103 ( receive to GR block) create inspection lot ?
Is result recording possible for this lot?

Yes it is possible. In customising, you will have to setup QM active for mvmt type -103 under applicable scenarios(for PO normal stock type, others like Sub contract etc as applicable).

Set up the Material Master -QM view for the inspn type (default 01).

In default setting for MIGO Change mvmt type for GR from 101 to 103 & adopt. Then do MIGO for the material.

System creates lot with stock in GR Blocked.Prior to UD, you can display in the inspection lot stock tab, the indicator GR to blocked stock.Also can confirm same in MMBE under GR blocked stock.

Do QE01 & QA11 as per normal.

Inspection during Stock Transfer

We are doing stock transfer between 2 plants within the same company code. Followed by delivery and excise invoice. While doing GR at the second plant inspection lot is not getting created. We have maintained 01 inspection type in the material master for the recipient plant and also the relevant inspection plan.

01 inspection type is for goods receipt against a purchase order. You can assign stock transfer inspection type (08 ) or check out the movement type for this GR and activate QM for that movement type in customizing and use inspection type 05, i.e. miscellaneous GR.

I tried with both 05 and 08- its not worrking
Checked for the mvt type too- its 101

There are several combinations "under" one movement type. In case of MVT101 you can have inspection types 01, 04 and 08. Check the exact combination (with MM people if necessary) you are using and then check in IMG what the correct lot origin is and that QM is not deactivated for it.

As told, if inspection setup 08 is maintained in receiving plant then stock comes in quality.
Only appropriate config for insp type needs to be done.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Introducing QM in Procurement

The QM component is integrated in crucial phases of the procurement process. It supports the procurement activities by means of functions such as:

  • Vendor Evaluation
  • Vendor block
  • Vendor Release for requests for quotation and purchase orders
  • Assigning technical delivery terms and quality assurance agreements
  • Certificate processing
  • Status administration of the supply relationships
  • Incoming inspections
  • Goods receipt inspections
If your company purchases materials from external vendors, you can implement the QM in Procurement (QM-PT-RP-PRC) component to support your procurement processes for quality assurance purposes.

If you want to implement the QM in Procurement component, your company must also use the Purchasing (MM-PUR) component. If you require functions for processing goods movements, you must also install the Inventory Management (MM-IM) component.

You can implement the QM in Procurement component as a stand-alone component or together with the Quality Inspection (QM-IM) component. As a stand-alone component, you can use all procurement functions except those for processing goods receipt inspections. To process such inspections, you need the Quality Inspection component.

Using the functions of the QM in Procurement component, you can:

  • Manage quality-related information for materials, vendors, and manufacturers in quality info records
  • Release or block vendors and manufacturers
  • Monitor the QM systems of vendors and manufacturers
  • Supply quality documents with requests for quotations and purchase orders
  • Evaluate vendors on the basis of quality
  • Certify vendors or manufacturers that have QM systems implemented, to reduce the inspection requirement
  • Manage and release supply relationships
  • Request that quality certificates be submitted with the delivered goods and monitor the receipt of these certificates
  • Inspect vendor goods at vendor sites (source inspections)
  • Inspect vendor goods upon receipt (goods receipt inspections)
  • Manage the posted goods in inspection stock
  • Block the payment of invoices until the goods have been inspected and accepted
  • Process goods receipt inspections for manufacturer-specific materials
  • Inspect goods that have been externally processed when they are returned in a goods receipt

Control Key for Quality Management in Procurement

This key determines which conditions are valid for quality management in procurement.

If you activate the indicator for QM in procurement in the material master record at the client level , you must also store a control key at the plant level for quality management in procurement.

Depending on the control indicators in the control key, you may have to maintain additional data.

SAP transaction code to maintain the Control key SM30 - V_TQ08

You can set the Message Control for Lock as :

I - Information
W - Warming
E - Defects

You can also indicate that a Quality Certificate is required or not.

Define Keys for Certificate Processing

In this step, you define certificate types for quality certificates and the controlling functions linked to the certificate type for QM in procurement.

The certificate type is stored in the material master at plant level.

You only need this workstep, if there are control keys for QM in procurement, in which the indicator certificate required is set. For requests for quotations and purchase orders, the system informs the vendor that a certificate is required and processes the expected certificates according to the settings that have been defined for the certificate type.

  1. Use the F1 field help to find out which controlling functions are linked to the certificate type and decide which of these functions you require.
  2. Define appropriate certificate types for the material groups that require certificates.
  3. Define the controlling functions linked to the certficate type.
  4. If you want to use the enhanced certificate processing, (which includes management of the certificate receipt), you must maintain a number range for the receipt of the certificate.
  5. You can also receive certificates by data transfer.
Define the Certificate Type in SM30 - V_TQ05

Define Number Ranges for Certificate Receipt in transaction OQB6

In procurement, you can use the certificate type to control a number of functions that have been defined in Customizing. The certificate type is specified in the QM data of the material for this purpose.

For certificate creation, you can use the certificate type to control the statuses in the certificate profile. The certificate type is specified in the certificate profile. The status profile is assigned to the certificate type in Customizing.

The entry of a certificate type in the QM inspection data of the material only takes effect if you set the indicator for QM in procurement.

Define Delivery Block

You can define the delivery block in SM30 - V_TQ04A

In here, you define the keys to block supply relationships.

Depending on whether the block applies to all materials or only certain materials for a vendor, the blocking key is contained in the vendor master or in the quality information record for a material/vendor combination.

The key allows you to block the following business transactions:

  • request for quotation
  • selection during source determination
  • purchase order
  • goods receipt
In the control key for QM in procurement, you specify how the system should respond when it encounters a block. For example, with:
  • an information message
  • a warning message
  • an error message
  1. Together with the purchasing and inventory management departments, determine which blocking options are used in your company and how the system and the persons responsible will respond, in the event of a block.
  2. Replace the blocking keys in the standard system with the keys that are needed in your company.
  3. Set the system message type according to the arrangements made with the purchasing and materials management departments.
To block the procurement functions, you have several options:
  • blocking the vendor for general reasons (purchasing block)

  • This block suppresses all purchasing functions. In the vendor master, you specify whether such a block will apply to all or to certain purchasing organizations.
  • blocking the vendor for quality-related reasons

  • This block suppresses the procurement functions specified in the blocking key and is effective for materials for which the indicator QM in procurement is active.
    • If you set the blocking key in the vendor master, it applies to the vendor, regardless of the materials and plants involved.
    • If you set the blocking key in the quality info-record, it applies to a specific material and plant only.
For quality-related reasons, you can use the control key for QM in procurement to override any active blocking keys for certain plants.

Define Document Types

You define the document types for QM in Procurement in transaction code SM30 - V_TQ09

You can lock the document type from Customizing with transaction OQBB

Unlock the document type from Customizing with transaction OQBC

In this step, you define the document types for the exchange of quality documents with vendors.

Two document types have been defined in the standard system for QM in Procurement:

  • Q01 - quality assurance agreement with vendors (QAA)

  • (Stored in the info record for the material and vendor supply relationship)
  • Q02 - technical delivery terms (TDT)

  • (Stored in the material master)
The settings have been made so that :-
  • The output function in procurement (for example, the purchase order printout) can process these documents. Therefore, in the standard system there are only SAPscript texts allowed for this document type.
  • You can follow a procedure that complies with the rules for quality documents, for example, whether a new document version is required, if a released document has been changed.
You should check the controls for these document types, but not change them. You should also not define any additional document types for QM in procurement. You can only change the settings relating to the document type, provided that this does not affect the output functions in Procurement. For example, you may want to define a different status sequence from the one contained in the standard system for these documents. To do this, you must temporarily remove the Customizing block on these document types.

Define QM Systems

In the R/3 system, you can define different requirement models as target QM systems and different existing systems as actual QM systems. In addition, for each actual QM system, you define the most suitable target system.

You can valuate the various QM systems that are defined in the SAP System. This valuation exerts no control; it serves as information only. For example, using this valuation you can determine whether a valid certificate exists, the origin of the certificate, or the score for the system audit.

For Example:
A customer wants a vendor to verify the existence of a QM system that complies with standard ISO 9003.
The vendor has a certificate that states that his system complies with ISO 9001, with an audit score > 80.
A comparison shows that in this particular case, both systems are equivalent:
Target QM system 9003 (ISO 9003, with certificate)
Actual QM system 1180 (ISO 9001, with certificate, audit score > 80)
Assignment Actual/target 1180 - 9003

You can assign an actual QM system with the identification skip which means that the system does not create inspection lots for an acceptance inspection.

The requirements for QM systems are defined in the material master at the plant level.

The QM system that is actually present is defined in the vendor master at the client level or in the quality info record for a combination of material/vendor at the plant level.

In procurement (request for quotation and purchase order), the system checks whether the vendor's actual QM system meets the target QM system's requirements for the material. In doing so, the system uses the assignment list that you created in activity 3. If the requirement is not fulfilled, the system responds as follows:

- Warning message for requests for quotations
- Error message for purchase orders

Before the setting the IMG in transaction OQB7, you should :-

  1. Determine the requirements that exist for vendor QM systems in your company.

  2. Note that such requirements may stem from the requirements of your customers.
    Define the target QM systems in the table.
  3. Determine which actual QM systems your vendors use.

  4. If you want to valuate these systems, define a valuation profile.
    Define the actual QM systems and their valuation.
  5. Assign the target QM system to the actual QM system whose requirements it fulfills.

  6. You must do this in the following steps:
    a) Make all obvious assignments. For example, the QM system that conforms to ISO 9001 also conforms to the
    requirements of ISO 9003.
    b) In those cases where you first have to check the specifications of the QM systems and the certification
    requirements, supplement the assignment list as necessary.

Define Status of Supply Relationships

In the status profile, you can specify that the delivery of a material from a vendor must pass through a number of statuses, for example:

  • Model series
  • Preliminary series
  • Regular delivery
You can assign different inspection types (with corresponding task list usages) to a status. The system then selects the appropriate inspection types and inspection plans based on the status of the supply relationship.

Before setting the IMG, you should :-

1. Determine whether the supply relationships must pass through certain statuses and if this is the case, maintain the
corresponding status profiles for the object type QINF.
2. If necessary, assign aninspection type (which indirectly assigns atask list usage ) to the statuses in the profiles.
3. Store the status profiles in the quality info records (QM control in procurement) for the relevant materials, vendors and
plants, and set the current statuses for the supply relationships.

IMG Settings :-

Maintain status profiles in 'BS02'.

Assign delivery status for inspection type in 'SM30 - V_TQ32A'.

Tracking the Status

Each status profile must contain an initial status for newly created supply relationships. You can also define additional statuses that can be linked together in a status sequence. You can link all of the statuses together or only selected ones. You do this by assigning status numbers to the statuses and by defining a highest and lowest status number for each status in the sequence.

If a supply relationship is currently in such a status sequence, the system will only allow one current inspection lot to be created for each status; that is, it will not allow any further goods receipts until the usage decision is made for the current lot.
When you make a usage decision to accept an inspection lot, the system sets the next status in the status sequence. This is repeated with every successive usage decision, until the last status is reached. If an inspection lot is rejected, the current status is retained.

You can also set a status manually.

Inspection Type Determination

You can assign an inspection type to each status.

When an inspection lot for a goods receipt is created automatically, the system selects the inspection type that is assigned to the next status and not the inspection type that is assigned to the current status. See example!

If there is no inspection type defined for the next status in the sequence or if the last status has been reached, the system chooses the inspection type that has been defined as variant 01 or as the preferred inspection type for inspection lot origin 01.

You can only control the inspection type in this way within status sequences. If you set the individual statuses in the quality info record manually and they are not contained in a status sequence (that is, the statuses do not have status numbers), no control is exerted when the system creates inspection lots for goods receipts. You must create the corresponding inspection lots manually and select the inspection type yourself. Authorization Control

The user, who carries out the goods receipt postings requires authorization for the status change to the supply relationship.

If no authorization exists, the system selects the preferred inspection type or the inspection type that is defines as variant 01 for inspection lot origin 01.

You must therefore assign all users that are involved in creating inspection lots at the procurement stage, authorization for the object B_USERSTAT and the object type QIN.

For Example:

Status profile '*'
Object type 'QIN'
Authorization key either ' ' or '*'
Activity '*'

When you define the object type as 'QIN', this ensures that the user only has authorization to set the user status in inspection lot processing.

If the last status in a sequence has not been reached, you cannot post any further goods receipts between the creation of an inspection lot and the usage decision. You can overcome this problem in the following way. Have the goods receipt posted by a user, who has no authorization for the object B_USERSTAT or the object type QIN. If this authorization is missing, the system allows another goods receipt posting and chooses the usual inspection type at inspection lot creation.

Example :-

The delivery client 000 contains a processing example with a model and replicate sample that are subject to a more thorough inspection than a regular delivery.

ONo. Status Ini Min Max Inspection type
1 0001 Supply rel. created X 1 5 ' '
2 0002 Model 2 3 0101 Model inspection
3 0003 Pilot series 2 4 01 Goods receipt insp.
4 0004 Regular delivery 1 4 ' ' -> 01 GR inspection
5 0005 Replicate sample request. 6 ' '
6 0006 Replicate sample 6 7 0101 Model inspection
7 0007 Production series 5 7 ' ' -> 01 GR inspection

Once you have entered the status profile in the quality info record for the supply relationship, the system automatically sets the initial status "Supply relationship created" and updates the status after each successful goods receipt inspection, starting with the status "Model" until the last status in the series "Regular delivery" is reached. If an inspection lot is rejected, the last status is retained. For the status "Supply relationship created", the system selects the inspection type "Model inspection" that has been defined for the next status in the sequence "Model" and searches for an inspection plan with the task list usage described in the inspection type.

If you want to inspect a replicate sample, you have to set the "Initial status" in the quality info record and then the status "Replicate sample requested".

At the next goods receipt, the system then creates an inspection lot with the inspection type defined for the replicate sample and searches for an inspection plan with the task list usage described in the inspection type.

Once the inspection lot has been completed and given the valuation "Accepted" at the usage decision, the status of the info record is changed to "Regular delivery".

Solution for wrong confirmation and wrong usage decision(UD)

Here is the issue :

For a process order
1. The confirmation (CORK) was made for the wrong quantity (automatic movements 261 & 321)

2. And usage decision (UD)(QA11/QA32) was made (which triggers 101movement)

3. User tried to cancel confirmation with CORS (tries to reverse 261 & 321)

Ok what does a cancel confirmation do. It reversed the 261 goods movement (consumption of raw materials) for that order but it couldn’t do that 321 reversal (goods receipt reversal)

The reason that made this was that the usage decision was made for the order that is the finished goods are moved from quality to unrestricted, reversal of 321 tries to find the material in quality stock but that has been moved to unrestricted.

Because when the confirmation is made for a process order with quality management it moves (321) the finished goods to the quality stock and from there usage decision is done for that inspection lot, now the goods are posted to unrestricted stock. so when you try to cancel the confirmation it can reverse the 261 (goods consumption) but it cannot reverse the 321 movement

So tried to find a way to do the reverse of the usage decision but it came out that there is no reversal for the usage decision. So one way was that to cancel the inspection lot but by canceling the inspection lot we need to redo all creation of inspection lot manually that would create some work to avoid that

Another way around is that because the confirmation cancellation did not reverse the 321 movement we can do the manual reversal by MB31 good receipt with the 102 movement

So did that and the result was that the 102 was success and the stock was seen in right amount.

Now coming to that point that there was a wrong confirmation for the order

The order was processed and gave the right amount of the order quantity and saved and then made the usage decision and all stuff.

Please check for corrections if there are any wrong concepts

Calibration of test equipment

Can anyone guide how to use calibration process in SAP for test equipments such as weighing scales,etc.

For the calibration of the equipments, PM-QM route can be used. Create equipments, category "Q", create maintenance plan, task list or measuring points ,create maint order-inspection lot. update calibration results in order/ lot. complete order/ UD of lot.


Can you pls clarify the following:

1. What is category "Q"..

2. You have mentioned “task list or measuring points”.
What is a measuring point? Are measuring points to be created compulsory..
What are the advantages of using measuring points?
Do we have to use either measuring point or task list or both.
What should be the Usage for task list? Do we have to create task list thru QP01

3. When do you see the inspection lot for calibration.. is it after release of
maint order..how can we display insp lot..

4. Is result recording / UD to be made thru QE01 / QA11..pls confirm.
How do you update calibration results in order / lot and complete the lot..

5. What master data needs to be created from QM side for calibration of test
I think PM guy has to create equipments, measuring points, maint order.
Am I correct?

Umesh I have asked you many questions & I am sorry for this inconvenience.
I am really short on time and will appreciate if you can address these clarifications.


1. Category Q is for the “Test Equipment”

2. No it’s not compulsory to create measuring points you can do with task list (Create Task with T-code IA05 – general task list for maintenance only difference you will see from inspection plan is that you have to give Maint. Package i.e. frequency & use order type PM05 in plan & in task list give inspection point 300 & usage 4 (four)

3. Inspection lots are generated based upon your frequency set in the Maintenance plan & Task list, you can see the lot only after you have done maint plan scheduling (T-code IP10)

4. Result recording will be done through QE17 or qe53 here select the lot origin 14 & for UD qa11

5. Master data will be

a) Equipment (ie01)
b) MIC’s (QS21)
c) Task list (IA05)
d) Maint. Plan (IP01)
e) Scheduling (IP10)

Hope this helps you

If you have PM module ask any PM guy he can tell you better on screen


Thanks for your detailed reply.
Can I bother you with two more questions:
1. You have mentioned to create Task list thru IA05..and to give inspection point 300 & usage 4 (four) in task list ..Is this to be given in the IA05 or other T code.Do we have to use Maint task list as well as Inspection plan..
2. Do updatation of calibration results in order / lot happens automatically after QA11..

Thanks in advance,

Shailender Sharma

Yes you have to provide all these details in IA05 , in this case we create maintenance plan not the inspection plan in the maint. Plan (ip01) you have to assign equipment & the task list & if default order type is come PM02 change it to the PM05

Here you have no concern with the maintenance order on taking UD (QA11) the order gets completed. Results will not pass to the order they will remain in inspection lot only status of order changes to compete

Hope your point are clear

Vendor Blocked for Quality Reasons

Getting error message while creating Scheduling agreement with one vendor:

Vendor blocked for for quality reasons
Message no. 06884
Quality Management has blocked this vendor as a source of supply for this material.

How to activate this vendor again?

Go to the relevant quality info record (QI02) and see if the vendor can be released there.

Go to the "Vendor master change TCODE 'XK02"....Once the vendor master is displayed ....go to the menu function "Extras-->Blocked data"..

On this screen ...there is a section at the end for "Block for quality reasons"...The field " Block function " must have been filled with some code like "99/**"....Just blank out this field and save the data and the vendor will be released.

However as a good practice you will like to check with the "Quality/Purchasing" department if they have knowingly blocked the vendor as receiving against a blocked vendor is not allowed in many companys...

So if you are sure you want to unblock the vendor ...then follow the said procedure above...

Is there a standard report for UD history statistic by vendor?

The output for transaction QA32 with suitable layout for the output can suffice your requirement.

As for the reports in Logistics Information System, the infostructure S068 maintains the consolidated monthly data and not on inspection lot leve (i.e. UD code wise consolidation). You can try to creating some new infosets or do the feasiblity study for this reporting using some customized flexible analysis.

You can also show your client the transaction MCVA and then on the result screen - goto - Extras - Inspection lots.

You can also make use of the Vendor Evaluation functionalities available. activate the automatic criteria 7 (Automatic determination from quality statistics: GR inspection) and then when you run the evaluation you can drill down the Quality score and access the UD's that influenced that same score.

Adding Extra Field On Notification

Is there a way to add an extra field on the QM Notification underneath the Subject section below the Coding & Description fields? The customer is wanting to add a Root Cause field and description. Running version 4.6C.

Notification type determines the origin, content and other features of service, maintenance and quality notifications.

Maintenance notifications:
- Malfunction report
- Activity report
- Maintenance request

Service notifications:
- Problem notification
- Service request
- Activity report

Quality notifications:
- Complaints against the vendor
- Customer complaints
- Internal problems

In the IMG Config:

Menu Path: Quality Management -> Quality Notification -> Notification Types -> Define screen areas for notification types


Choose 'Define screen areas'


Click on 'New entries' button

Now, select the relevant Notification Type and click in 'Enter'.

Select the 'Iten Cases' register and remember to setup the Tabstrip Header, Icon, etc.

Set the 'Tabstrip active' flag.

Then Save, Test and Transport to your Production environment.

Batch Management - Batch Classfication Configuration

In batch management, can one batch per multiple shipments be used if the batch classfication is active? What are the merits and demerits?

SAP allows a configuration setting for 3 different batch levels. This will effective your possibilities. Option Number 2 is the default configuration for SAP out of the box :

1.) Plant - can allow for the Batch Management Flag on a material sold out of 2 different plants to be set independently. Batch numbers can be used for multiple materials, and batch specifications and analytical results can be different for each batch (multiple batch Master records).

2.)Material - Batch Management flag is set the same for the material across all plants that use it. Batch numbers can be used for multiple materials, however, batch specification and analytical results are the same for the batch (one Batch Master Record).

3.) Client - Batch Management flag is set the same for material across all plants that use it. Batch number can only be used for one material across the client. (one Batch Master Record).

If the Batch level flag is set at the Client level, it allows for a batch number to be used with only one material throughout the entire SAP client. This is troublesome with products which are produced in bulk and then packaged into smaller size containers for sale. Due to the limitation of having only one batch number per material, when the product is packaged, new batch numbers have to be assigned to the finished packages, even though the same bulk material is being used inside the package. Because of this work-a rounds have been created and business processes adjusted to accommodate this restriction.

There is a process in SAP that will allow for the conversion of the Batch Level in SAP from Client level to Material level. Please investigate SAP notes 41715, 891902, 893053, 900359 among others, and it appears that there is a conversion program in SAP that will do this in configuration.

QM Workflow For Material Setup

Here is the QM workflow for material setup from beginning (creation of new material number) to end (generate a COA for a shipment leaving the plant). This does not include Quality Notifications.

SAP QM Configuration

Most materials require Scenario One. Some materials also require Scenario Two. These two Scenarios together are the Business Process Flow from the initial material creation to the final shipment of finished product with associated QM documentation for the customer.

Scenario One - Used for materials which require an inspection. This generally applies to in-process and finished goods materials. In some cases it applies to raw materials. The steps for the most part are listed in sequential order, although some parts may be optional for certain cases.

1.) MM02 - Material Master, Storage View

2.) MM02 - Inspection Type

3.) CL01, CL02, CL03 Material Class

4.) CL20N (CL20) - Allocate Material to Class

5.) QS31, QS32, QS33, QS34 - Inspection Methods

6.) CT04 - Class (or General) Characteristics (GC)

7.) QS21, QS22, QS23 - Master Inspection Characteristics (MIC)

8.) QP01, QP02, QP03 - Inspection Plan

9.) QS61, QS62 - Material Specifications (obsolete)

10.) C201, C202 - Master Recipe

Scenario Two - Used for Materials which also require a usage decision, batch search strategy, and certificate of analysis (CoA). This generally applies to finished goods materials. The steps for the most part are listed in sequential order, although some parts may be optional for certain cases.

11.) VCH1, VCH2, VCH3 - Batch Search Strategy

12.) QC01, QC02, QC03 - Certificate Setup

13.) QC15, QC16, QC17 - CoA Assignment

Short Questions Answers on PS

Project Calculations

When we confirm activities and see it in cns41 report we can see that the POC is aggregated at the Network,WBS and project level.

How does the system calculate this.. i.e on what factors and criteria?

PS, like, other Projects Programs used the Pondered advance has a project and structural (WBS) phisical advance.
IF you have a Project with only 1 activitie. The 100% phisical advance of the activitie is passed to the Project.
If you have a Prj. with 2 activities and both had 100% phisical advance. The project has 200%? NO!, PS calculated this

Percent complete Activity A = 100 = A-POC
Percent complete Activity B =100 B-POC
Weigth or contribution of A = 30% A-Wgt
Weigth or Contribution of B =70% B-Wgt
(The sum of the weigth need to be 100%)

The Project Advance will be A-POC*A-wgt + B-POC*B-Wgt
This implies = 100*30% + 100*70% = 30 + 70 =100

The weigth is a function of Men-Hours, Cost or Special-Weigth. *-- NelsonHM

User Status Report

In the business scenario used here a status profile containing different User statuses with authorisation controls has been set up in the Project Definition for controlling the process of Project creation & approval. The process flow is as follows - The project is created by the design team, after which it is sent to pre-audit team for approval, the pre-audit team approves it, on approval the project is released and the rest of the process flows on. Each of the above phases is marked by an user status and on completion of a phase the user sets the next user status for the object.

Requirement : An ABAP report is required to be developed which shows the date and time at which each of the user staus was set and released.

Go to transaction SE38, and enter RBSVCDOC in the field "Program". Select the Execute button. Insert your WBS's object number, and select the tick box "SHOW_ALL" Execute the program.

If the results is what you are looking for, then follow these steps to have your required report on User Status Change Log:

1. Ask your ABAP program to copy function RBSVCDOC to a Z-Program, and 2. assign a Z-transaction code this copied Z-program. 3. You can also ask the programmer if he is able to design a user defined input screen to this program.

*-- Pieter LP van Sittert

Creating an Internal Activity at the Network Level

Trying to create an internal activity at the network level and whenever I go to the menu to add an internal activity, the level moves up to the project level instead of remaining at the nework level. This of course prevents me from creating the internal activity. Why this is happening?

Work out the following path :
1) Go to "Structure Tree" (Top-left pane of Project Builder), click on Network Header.
2) In "Work Area" (Right pane) click on "Activities Overview" icon. Go to "Int. Processing Tab" and define activity with relevant field details and Confirm.

This will create Int activity in the selected Network only. *-- Nabada More

Time calculation in work Center

My requirement is to calculate the time taken for a component which contains 4 Operations. Using Work Centers in PS Module.

Details of the Operations:
1. Chain cutting
2. Soldering
3. Lock fitting
4. Assembly

Time taken for soldering operation = 15 sec/soldering operation
One component contains = 20 soldering operation
Total time taken to finish one component = 300 sec
In one day we can make = 8 hr(28800sec)/300sec=96 nos.

How we can calculate this in the system Using Work Center.

You need to do folowing....
1) Define 4 activity type with these names and give the unit of operation as second - and assign it to a cost center in kp26
with cost
2) Define a work center in CNR1...using usage project management 0006
3) Assign formulae SAP004 in the other formulae in scheduling tab and SAP008 in capacity Tab.
4) Assign working hours for your WC in capacity tab header data as 8 hours and put number of available capacity
(no.of people in Work center)
5) Assign all the activity types in the Work center costing tab
6) Give duration for all these activity in your project
7) Schedule the project and do costing....

PS Frequently Asked Questions

Workforce Planning and Project Status

When a project status is set back to REL from TECO or CLSD status, the work force planning done is getting deleted completly at the activity.

Run cmp9(Evaluation again) and you will have workforce planning back.

WorkForce Planning

We are using CMP2 for doing workforce planning in our Org, we attach reources to activities, now the issue is we want to put an end date to the resource attached so that the particluar resource does not appear in cmp2 .
P.S - we have tried by attaching resource to WBS too, it doesn't work.

In CMP2 - mark the relevant line - press the bottom with the pencil - make a new end date and save.
Next time you enter CMP2 the start date has to be after the end date you entered.
Be aware that the end date affect the work list for the person in CATS.

Table for System status (wbs)

I am trying to create one query to find out wbs status assigned Open PO. I have located the relevant file for PO but not able to get table which stores system status.

The table names are JEST, TJ02T
Pass the OBJNR to the table JEST you will get System Status Number.
Once you get System Status Number pass it to table TJO2T you will get System Status text.

WBS and company codes

Is it possible to have two different company code within the same WBS structure?

For a single WBS element - NO
Within the structure - YES provided company codes belong to same controlling area

ISBD system status

Does anyone know if system status ISBD should be set if a budget tolerance with action "warning" is exceeded, however the total budget is not exceeded. We have the following set up:
80% Warning
90% Warning with mail
100% Error message
At 80% the system status ISBD (Insufficient budgeting) is set; is this correct.

You are right. The status ISBD (Insufficient budgeting) is set once the tolerence limit 1 is exceeded.

Project version: Can I go back to a previous version?

Can I go back to a previous version of a project? For instance, a new project version is created automatically on release of the project. Is it possible to go back to the previous version in order to "undo" the release?

Project versions are used as snapshots of projects at different status or manually triggered points. You would not be able to go back to versions because the version is not the operative project.
You will not be able to undo a REL status.

Close the Project

How can I close the project, after closing any PRs and PO no Processing?

Open the project in CJ20N. Go to menu bar path: Edit-> status-> Close. Save project. Please note that you must first have gone through the normal progression of status moves from CRTD to REL to TECO before you will be able to close.

PS Interview Questions

Q1. For raising Client billing, is there any possibility of linking line items in SD module with Activities / WBS in PS module?

A1. It can be linked through DIP Profile and do Resource Related Billing for raising billing.

Q2. Can Revenues be linked with Activities?

A2. No, it can be done at WBS level with 'Billing' operative indicator.

Q3. Can progress be updated in WBS elements?

A3. Yes, You can use Progress Analysis (EVA) for this.

Q4. We would like to compare the planned cost, actual cost & revenue for line items in SD module. For this as what object should we consider the line item in PS module.

A4. You can use Billing level WBS in PS module.

Q5. In easy cost planning/ cost models, the resource requirement details (quantity and rate) are given to get the cost of each line item. But to get planned cost of each activity, the consultant is asking us to assign resources separately again in activities. If we consider the line items as activities, should we assign the resources again or the same in easy cost planning / cost models can be linked to get the resources assignment in a simpler method.

A5. Instead of this, you can use costing variant for Easy Cost Planning (not for the activities) *-- Vivek

Is there any way by which we can lock two specific wbs elements say overheads and other expenses, so that the user cannot release PR?

The easiest way would be to define the project release process in the bottom-up fashion. That means, you will only release the activities/WBS elements that you need from time to time during the course of the project. That way, charges won't be accrued on a WBS element until it's released (so, don't release it until it's ready for collecting costs).

Is there any way by which we can stop the network from attaching further materials after it is released?

This is controlled through the change profile, which is assigned to the network profile. In the change profile, under the Component tab, you can define the release status of the activity at which you can create/change/delete material components.
*-- Murali Lanka

How can we set the options for capacity reports CM01 ?

This will possible depend on your config, but the options I use are:
Tick, Cumulation of reqmts, Dyn. capacity cumul. and then select the hierarchy you have set up.
I then select the financial year (as we are budget driven) using Entry type A and the start/finish of the financial year.
I select period Month.
Then click tick.
I then select the work centre I require. or arm of the hierarchy.
You can then select standard overview and also select graphs or if you need a detailed list press that button.