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Saturday, December 13, 2008

SAP Control the SAP PM Order Type

Suppose you want to control the PM order types PM02 (preventive maintenance) to come only from the Preventive maintenance plans.

Also, you would like to control the creation of this type of orders via the orders creation option (transaction IW31).

Well, you can create two order types for preventive maintenance.

The first is used for orders that will be performed by internal personnel.

The second is for orders that will be performed by outside contractors (external).

You can then configured them so that internal orders are automatically released when the maintenance plan is called.

The external orders are configured so that they are created but not released when the plan is called. The planner then makes arrangements for the work to be done then he releases the order.

Order types in PM

Where can I define functions and settings for each order type? or at least look at the notification type for each order type.

SPRO --> PM CS --> Maintenance and Service Processing --> Maintenance and Service notifications --> Notification Creation --> Notification Types --> Assign Notification types to Order types.

Tcode: OMI3

This transaction is not in the S000 menu. This is a customizing transaction .... in the IMG menu.

SAP Maintenance Notifications Order Link

Generally the links between Maintenance Notifications and Order are :-

Assigning a Notification to an Existing Order
You can specify the number of an existing maintenance order in the maintenance notification while you are processing it.

Assigning a Notification to an Order
You can process an existing maintenance order and specify in it the number of the maintenance order that should be assigned to it.

Assigning many Notifications to an Single Order
This occurs when a series of Equipment that are in a pipe line have to maintained. ex. Shut down maintenance typical of a Refinery or a power plant.

You can combine several maintenance notifications that refer to a particular object in a single maintenance order. This could be the case if, for example, several defects are to be repaired at the object on one maintenance date.

When planning concrete tasks in an order, you can make reference to several maintenance notifications or technical objects. For this purpose you can use object lists, which contain all relevant maintenance notifications and technical objects.

SAP Work Order Cost Control

I am trying to control costs on work orders that relate to a project that is approved for a set amount.
We havent implemented PS yet, so we are using PM06 work order types to segregate those project work

I am thinking to create a work order hiearchy that settles to an internal order. But, I am not sure exactly how internal orders work.

In each equipment master related to projects assign internal order number instead of cost center. In settlement profile give settlement receiver as order instead of cost center.

So whenever you will create order aginst that equipment system will create settlement rule for Internal order.

If don't want to maintain this way then at the time of creating order you have to modify the settlement rule
and assign receiver as ORD and provide internal order number.

SAP Impact on Business if PM Order Not Settled

What is the impact on business, if PM order is not settled. That is if settlement of the order is not done, what
is its impact on the business process.


The cost will go to G/l account as soon as the goods movement is done or service entry sheet is accepted. Only thing is that the cost will not be reflected in the cost center.

Sharma Tarun

The work order is a PM cost object. It can hold costs. for example, when a time confirmation is done, and it is saved, the cost centre in the tech object is debited and the work order is credited with those costs.

What then should happen is settelment occurs and the work order is debited and the cost centre in the work order operation is credited

If settlement does not occur, those costs sit on the work order. The problem with this is that because the costs do not settle they are not transfered to the operation cost centre. In simple terms, this then means that the cost centre of the maintainers who did the work, does not get paid!

It also causes problems with reporting, and cost management from Controlling, and can significantly affect your maintenance budget (depending upon your business processes)

SAP In PM how to Return Material Backflushed

Blackflushing does not mean returning of material to stores.

With backflush infact the component allocated in BOM get consumed at the time of operation/order confirmation.

If you set the backflush then all materials allocated to the Work Order will get issued from stores automatically. So there is no need to do a separate MB1A or MIGO Goods Issue.

To return item to store you will have to do a reversal from WO back to stores using Movement Type 262.

I want to issue spares in advance to engineers without a service work order....Later on the spares will get consumed or will get returned. How do I do it...and what is the Movement type to be used for issuing and reversing........can any one help.

Still I have problem in back flushing. Suppose I made the indicator of backflush in creation of order, then I completed technically, then the actual cost of material not updating, (Note I have not posted the material in MB1A) what is the problem, pls tell me.

Did you confirm your maintenance order? Unless you confirm it (IW41) your actual cost will not be updated. Backflushing is a tool so that during confirmation you will not anymore input your
materials. System will confirm your consumption base on the order (IW31) you have created.

I believe T-Code IW41 is used to confirm the operation and not for materials. When backflush indicator is set in the order for the components reserved then MB1A need not be done and when we say determine cost thru the main menu, the material cost should appear.

Actually IW41 works like CO11 (PP module), when you tick the backflush indicator in the order creation the system will automatically copy those materials when you confirm it.

Try doing these steps:

1. Create order (IW31)
2. Assign a component to the order and tick the backflush field. (make sure that the component you assign has stock and valuated in the material master - check it thru MM03, accounting and costing fields)
3. Check availability of material and release
4. Goto IW41, enter hours and tick the material icon on the tool bar (you would notice that the materials that was backflush are already copied in the confirmation, try unticking the backflush icon in IW31 and you would notice that the component field will be empty because no material are backflushed)
5. Save
6. Check cost and it would reflect the material consumed. Actually you don't need to go to the component field for it to confirm your consumption. It will automatically post all materials backflushed upon saving your confirmation in IW41. In short you still need to confirm your order, thru IW41, for the materials to be consumed. MB1A are actually used for set-up where in the one issuing the material to the order are not the same person who is confirming the maintenance order.

I hope this clarifies everything.

Thank you so much. Yes it works......thanks a ton.
But I have a suggestion. I did whatever you said....but what I noticed was once I reserve a component in the order thru IW31 trasanction and release the order and go to main function and say determine cost, the materials cost is automatically copied into the order....Yes the material should exist in the material master.......

I feel in the same order when we want to calculate the labour charges involved in particular operations we need to go thru IW41 and confirm the operations so that we can get the labour charges for the personnal involved in that order.(this will be done by way of calculating the Activity types).

Your right material cost is automatically copied into the order thru IW31 but these costs are only planned cost. Meaning no accounting documents is being created and no materials being consume to the order only reservations.

If you want to have the actual cost reflected you have to go thru IW41 first.

SAP PM Change Maintenance Strategy in General Task List

I want to change Maintenance Strategy in General Task List within Tasklist Group. E.g. Tasklist "T3" - Counter 3 with Maintenance Strategy

"A" to "B". Tasklist "T3" has been used for several times in scheduling.

I try to use IA06, Goto T3 Header - and found Maintenance Strategy at Header was Gray. I don't find this documentation in SAP Help.
Is it possible change Maintenance Strategy in Tasklist after created?

To change the strategy of a task list which has already been used, we should check the following conditions.

1. The task list should be removed from all maintenance items.
2. Then maintenance package ticks in the task list has to be removed.
3. Then system allows you to change the strategy.
4. Then assign the new maintenance packages (Tick marks).
5. Now assign the task list back to maintenance items.

Trust this shall be useful to you.

Once the Task list has been created with one maintenance strategy it is not possible to change it to another strategy type. You can delete the strategy provided you have not used it in maintenance items. But in your case it is not possible.

You cannot change a strategy as you know, Copy the task list you want to change, then create the new strategy on your new task list.
Then create a new maintenance item and allocation of the task list with the correct maintenance strategy.
Then create a new maintenance plan and link maintenance item.

Maintenance strategies if I am not using any calender

While creation of maintenance strategies if I am not using any calender, then system will use which calender days shedule plans?

Is it 365 days working?

This depends on the Scheduling indicator you choose for the Plan!

If you select "Time", then, it will be based on 365 days an year.
If you select "Factory Calender", you need to specify the FC.

Maintenance strategy.Transaction code-ip11

I entered following parameters in the strategy.

Scheduling indicator -Time
Strategy unit -MON
Shift factor for late confirmtion -60 %
Tolerence for late confirmation -100%
Factory calender w8.

All above parameters are getting transpered to Strategy Maintenance Plan (Tran.code ip42) except factory calender.

Can any body tell me what will be the cause of problem.

Scheduling indicator = Time factory calendar does not matter
If you want factory calendar to work choose
scheduling indicator = time-factory calendar.

SAP User Status Set Date in Maintenance order

Which table we can get the information about on which date a particular User status has been set in a maintenance order? We get that information in Order Log, but I want to know in which table that information is stored.

Table JEST gives the system /user status associated with an order, but it doesnot give any information about on which date a given status was set. I tried search infomation in table CDHDR/CDPOS but no success.

I found out the related table. Its JCDS.

I believe that’s user status of Equipment, not Maintenance order.

He is correct. JCDS is the change document or version history of JEST which is the primary status table.

Statuses are handled separately from the object in question since each object can have multiple statuses and since statuses can be applicable to more than one object type. That means that the status tables contain statuses for many different objects like equipment, work orders, functional locations, sales orders, etc.

The status tables are based on object numbers which are a concatenation of the object type and the table of that object. Order #816025 would be stored as "OR000000816025". Equipment 20701817 would be stored as "IE000000000020701817". Sales order item 10 of 5215 would be stored as "VB0000005215000010".

Here are some key status tables:
JEST - Object Status
JCDS - Change Documents for Statuses
JSTO - Status Object Information
JCDO - Change Documents for Status Objects
TJ02 - System Statuses
TJ03 - Object Types
TJ04 - Status Control for Object Type
TJ20 - Status Profiles
TJ30 - User Statuses

Just to add in your valuable info on table...
TJ02T - Text for system status
TJ30T - Text for user status.

Many "check" tables (like TJ02 and TJ03) also have text tables as you've mentioned. You can easily find a text table for another table by going to "goto --> Text table" (not to mention that they're usually suffixed with a "T" anyway).

SAP to best handle Repeat Maintenance Jobs

Has anyone got a good idea or method how to use SAP to best handle repeat maintenance jobs?

Actually, we are in the process of trying to sort out repetative jobs from thousands of notifications from last few years, which is by itself an arduous task. After that maybe we can think of a way how to handle the process to reduce these jobs to make the system more efficient. Anyone done something like this before in your Company?

By analysing all of your equipment's and having a clear mapping about the frequencies from your task-lists, makes the process relatively simple. You can then group the same type of frequencies into one Maint. Plan for example.

We operate a sleek mechanism to ensure all orders are produced only on the week they're due, using IP30 - deadline monitoring (RISHTA20) as a scheduled job.

We customised the "Sort Code" used in the Maint.Plan, in a way that reflects the frequencies as mention above. So the scheduled jobs are then created in exact accordance with those sort codes (i.e. frequencies). The maint. planner only has to assign which "sort code" for new plans and the scheduled job is doing the rest.

You should think only of a Notification as a polite request for a further action, like to create a maint. order etc. For example in our company, we don't generate any notifications, as we see them as additional handling for no great benefit. We always create orders direct from the scheduled job. These orders then go to the maint. supervisor's "..workflow..", and they then distribute the orders at their discretion However, if your organisation is huge with many divisions, then perhaps it makes sense to use notification, but only you can decided.

I always tell our project team's... Always do what's necessary and not always what is possible...

SAP Recording Measuring Docs. Against Work Orders

Has anyone recorded measuring documents (for an object/measuring point) against a work order. We can do it through notifications, but I was interested to see if someone has used work orders to capture measuring docs. if so then how did you do it. Measurement documents can be created during the order completion confirmation process (IW41/42). You don't need a notification.

You are right - we can recording measuring doc via IW42 - click in the Meaurement/counter readings button and the pop up windows appear.

You can also directly create measurement documents via your measurement points.
Identify your measurement points first and use IK11

Thanks Shirley, I forgot about the profile set up for completion confirmation config. You have to set the profile to show the meausring doc button. Thanks for the refresher, I had forgotten about it... :))

SAP Stop Complete Confirmation (IW41) before (IW32)

Any way we can stop the complete confirmation (IW41) being done with out doing (IW32)?

This will help you on your way forward:

In the SAP standard business model, if the user technically completes the works order, the following consequences occur:
1. Any reservations for which goods issues have physically been completed, but which have not applied in the SAP system, are deleted. There is then no way of recording the consumption of spares against the appropriate works order.
2. Any purchase requisitions that have not been converted into purchase orders are deleted.

The system does not provide any warning that these deletions have taken place. Furthermore, since the system permits simultaneous completion of multiple works orders (via IW38) there is a tendency to blindly close these works orders without adequate reviewing.

Because of these issues, I suggest the following method:

Block technical completion where there is any work planned and this has not been progressed to a point of final confirmation completeness; this process can be further enhanced by checking that key details on the related Breakdown/Unplanned Notification are complete.

This can be achieved by user exit "exit_saplcoih_004" when trying to do the TECO via IW38, which broadly proceeds as follows.
1. Evaluate the works order plan against actual confirmations, and determine if the activity is complete in quantity or by explicit completed flag.
2. Check the required fields on the breakdown/unplanned or call-out/after hours notification.
3. Confirm that no part of the tests in 1 and 2 failed. Where the works order and notification have failed, a report can then be generated explicitly defining all activity and information that must be completed in order to achieve technical completion.
4. If the user is allowed to override this block block, and elects to do so, then the order is closed according to the SAP standard method. This method clears open reservations and any purchase requisitions which have not been converted to purchase orders. I suggest a separate authorisation for the override so that you can still achieve control via segregation of duties.

The following Business rules need to be met for successful technical completion and should to be coded into the user-exit via your ABAP developers:

For the Works order:
- Internal operations: All final confirmations are required, or, if the operation is not to be completed then it is to be deleted.
- External operations and spares procurement: All purchase requisitions must be turned into purchase orders, which must be goods receipted. Alternatively, if the external spare or item of labour is no longer required then the PR, together with any follow on PO must be deleted.
- Internal spares: All reservations must either have the final goods issue completed or those items not required for the completion of the works order must be deleted.

For the Notification:
- Only applies to breakdown/unplanned and call-out/after hours notifications.
- Check that each of these fields is complete: the Breakdown flag, malfunction start and end date and time. For related Catalogs details for the Notification (if you are using them):
- For notification item number 0010: Check that the following fields have been completed: object part, failure code or text.
- For each of the notification causes: Check for a cause that is not deleted. Check that the code or text field is complete.
- For each of the notification activities. Check that each activity is complete.

To help your developers, the following tables will need to be accessed while processing the user-exit:

AFKO PP order header
T430 Operation/Activity control key
AFKO PP order header
AFVC Operation within an order
AFRU Operation confirmations
VIAUFKS PM Order Selection View
MSEG Document Segment: Material
RESB Reservations
AFVV Operation times.
AUFM Material movements for order.
EBAN Requisition items
EBKN Requisition items Account Assi
EKPO Purchase order
EKBE Purchase order history
EKKN Purchase order Account assign
JEST Object status
QMMA Quality notification activities
QMEL Quality notification
QMFE Quality notification items
QMUR Quality notification causes
QMIH Quality message maintenance data excerpt
IFLOT Functional Location
EQKT Equipment short texts

SAP Difference Between TECO & Business Completion

TECO, mean from PM point of view the order is closed. You cannot change anything , say time or dates in the order. But you can book a invoice say, the order contains a externally procured items.. So you might have done a GR and your PM order work is over.. you can do a Tech and still you can do a MIRO( ie invoice posting )

But if you do a Business Closing , you will not be able to do a MIRO..

Business closing means all the costs are posted and you dont expect any more cost posting. This business closing is a requirment of CO. If you don't do business closing and leave the order at TECH , the cost will recide in the order itself. As per the settlement rule , the cost should get transfer to the cost centre you have defined. But in TECH stage the cost is still in Order. Once you do a KO88 and then a business closing, the cost get transferred to a cost centre..

You need to make sure that all financial postings hav ben completed before doing a business completion.

You can use transaction CO99 to Business Complete your orders. Using this transaction allows you to select the number of days an order has been TECO'd before you business complete it. E.g if you are confident that all financial postings will be complete within 60 days, you cal select 60 days as the retention period. This means that orders have to be TECO'd for a period of 60 days before the system will select them for completion.

Batch completion PM orders is done with transaction CO99.
As a consequence, orders are completed if:
- Not yet administrative completed
- Technical completed longer than “a number of days” ago
- No open liabilities (open purchase orders – not yet invoiced purchase orders)

In our company we do Order closing in the following way:

1. IW41 - Complete confirmation
2. IW32 - Technical completion & Business completion
3. KO88 - Cost Settlement

SAP Settlement Rule In Maintenance Order

In Maintenance Order, in settlement rule screen, there comes two lines with same cost center that it picks from Equipment Master. In one, it is FULL and other Periodic. What does it means or if there is any discrepancy?

If work is compleated 100% in one instant we will do the settlement rule in full, other wise if work is compleated half we will go for PER and remaining activity may be settelment rule other PER.

Maintenance Order settlement rule having 2 lines that is Per & Ful. Peroidic Settlement- in this settlement rule system settle whatever cost occurs upto today & suppose in future if you want to charge some more cost on the same Maint. Order then system will accept it. And when ful or Final settlement runs the rest of the cost will settle to the cost receiver.

But if you run final settlement then in future you will not able to chargeany cost to the same maint. order.

Does this means everytime when we are completing the Order we have deleted one of these two lines.

You need not to delete any line whether this is PER or FUL.

Its depends upon the settlement job which is done manually or schedule batch job. Suppose you has created schedule batch job for PER and FUL both. And the schedule frequency of PER is weekly and schedule frequency of FUL is monthly.

Just think that you have created one planned maint order on 2nd of December. And this job will start on 12th of December to 13th December and you have mentioned spares, internal manpower & contract in the maint order.

Now stores deliver the required spares on 10th of December and its cost is 10 lacks. Your internal manpower cost is 10,000/= INR and it is booked through IW41 on 13th of December. External / contractor cost is nearly 1 lacks and for this S. E. Sheet created on 20th December and accepted on 23rd of December.

Suppose the PER settlement job runs on 8th of December. So next PER settlement job will run on 16th December. This settlement job will settle the spares & internal manpower cost to cost receiver. Now next PER settlement job will run on 24th December. But this job never settle the remaining cost of the maint order because the PER settlement already finished.

So the remaining cost of the maint order will settle when FUL settlement job will start. When FUL settlement jobs runs system checks all the Maint. Order which is created in this month and carry any cost which is not settled then this cost will settle through FUL settlement.

SAP Integration Between PM, QM and PP

What is the integration between PM and QM in SAP?

There are many interwoven activities.

Let us consider one practical issue of Spare Parts purchase.

We prefer to inspect incoming material for compliance of our requirement.

1.While creation of material master, tick the 'Post to insp. stock' box in the Purchasing Tab.

2. If we do not want a task list / Result recording oriented inspection, in Quality tab, choose appropriate selections,

3.When that Spare is received, it will go to Quality Stock.

4. Maint. person can check it and transfer the stock to "Unrestricted Stock" through MB1B via 261 movement, giving a reason as Accepted after Inspection or Rejected.

5. Above procedure is a practical example of PM QM integration.

Tips by : Jamez Prabahran

Real SAP PM Ticket Raise :

When I schedule an equipment for preventive maintenance for a particular day say after 3-months, for that particular day, PP people will also schedule for their production, which should not happen. In equipment master data, if I put the PP work centre, it should solve the problem but I do not how is it going to solve? Another problem is PP people wants to create work centre as group of equipment but I will schedule only one equipment for preventive maintenance. So, if I put the group of equipment as work centre but I will schedule only for one equipment and when PP people will schedule for their production, machine availability of all the machines will be shown as zero?

In the equipment Master, under the location tab, mention the PP work center, and in the task list under the Header give the system condition "0" ie M/C not in operation, before doing this in the custimosation under Maintenace and service order---general data---- "Create System Conditions or Operating Conditions" check the box for PM reservation.so when ever a maintenance order is raised against that equipment, it will block the prod.

One doubt still remains that if PP people takes work centre as group of machine (say there are 4 lathe machines, now they want to take work centre as lathe for the whole group). So, if I enter this work centre in the location tab pages of the equipment master (in one lathe machine), whenever maintenace order is raised for only one lathe, will it block the production for the whole 4 nos of lathe machines or only for one lathe machine.

Since the order is raised against only one equipment, the work center for that particular equipment will be blocked.

Tips by : Giri

The linking is like this (my understanding)

PP work center is recorded in the PM equip master and PM order is created/rel for that particular PM equip.

a. If 4 m/cs together are defined as one PP work center and each of these 4 m/cs are individually defined as PM equipment and this PP w/c is recorded in each of the 4 PM equip master then a PM order for any or all of these PM equip will affect the PP w/c

b. If 4 m/cs have one to one relation as PP w/c and PM equip and have been respectively entered in the each equip master then whenever a PM order is created for a particualr equip only that particualr PP w/c will get affected.

Define the relation between the PP w/c and the PM equip based on how it is required for the business.

Tips by : Hari

How to configure the integration of PP and PM, where it is being done in SPRO, what are the pre-requisite and what are the steps.

By Bala:

In SPRO - Under Maintenanace and Service order ---> general data ----> "Create System Conditions or Operating Conditions" --> check the box for PM Reservation.

In the equipment Master,

Under the Location tab, mention the PP work center and

In the Order Header data,

Give the system condition as "0" ie M/C not in operation.

PM Integration With Other Modules

MM-PM Integration

Tell me the integration of MM-PM , and generallyin what type of scenarios, and in which industries .

The integration aspects of MM-PM are:
1) for non stock materials requirement, purchase requsition can be created from the plant maintenance order. PR is converted to the Purchase order. when ever goods receipt is done , the cost is directly booked to the plant maintenace order.
2) for stock materials requirement,,reservation can be created from the plant maintenance order and the material can be issued to the order against the reservation.
3) Like materials , for services also PRs can be created from the plant maintenace order.

Another integration is BOM - Bill Of Material.
With Equipment BOM, you can create a list of material through which equipment is created or in othre words you can mention the spares that you may require during the maintenance of the equipment.

FICO-MM-PM Integration

Explain the integration points between PM and MM/FICO during the PM configuration.

Below are some integration aspects:

Integration with MM:
1.Material master record for Batch Managed material as Equipment
2.Reservations and Goods Issue for Maintenance Order
3.Material valuation class/types for refurbishment materials as equipment
4.Triggering PR from Maintenance Order

Integration with FICO:
1.Asset/Sub-Asset numbering in Equipment Master Data
2.Activity based costing for Operations performed through Maintenance Order
3.Settlement of accrued costs in Maintenance Order to G/L Account,Cost Center, Asset etc.,

PM Control Maintenance Budget

The way to control maintenance budget in PM.

by : Santosh Satapathy

Maintenance budget

1) Hi, I just see some desperate attempt to know about maintenace budget and control but I hope can clear you all. Budget and control of order can be done to all the order type of sap pm orders functional background

As we know when creating equipment in maintenance master data we are using two work centeres one is location work center and the other one is responsibile work center. The location work center describes the line or area or section of production the equipment belongs and in the order the work center we maintain it maintains the cost per activity we define.
Suppose our maintenance team goes and do some work, say for two hours, so for this activity type what is defined in the controlling will be debited from the production line or section or area as it is maintained in pp. Of cousre when we settle the order and at the same time from the budget that much of fund deducted

Integration Part
a) actually this is done by co people
b) go to trans koab
c) tick the commit management in control indicators
maintain co-partner as semi active
you can maintain other things as maintaenance status and settlement profile
d) you should maintain object class as overhead costs orif you have service module you can do profitably analysis
e) you must maintain collective order without automatic goods movement
f) you can maintain status profile as your wish
g) for residence time i amintaied one month

2) then you have to maintain budget profile
for maintaining budget profile you have to goto trs ok0b
crate a budhet profile these are co people job

3) go to oioa here you assign budget profile to order type

4) in mantain budget profile
time frame -past means how many years past you can plan here start year is the referenace point
same with future
you must tick total values
annual values
exchange rate should be m-standard translation at average rate
activation type should be 1-automaticactivated when budget allocation done
budgeting currency-i choose controlling currency

5) then go to ko22 and assign the budget profile to order or group of order

This is the way I maintain budget for pm orders.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Before customizing the Master Data in SAP Plant Maintenance and Customer Service

You must have defined the plant maintenance organizational structure in your system before you proceed with customizing.

This involves maintaining the planning plants and maintenance plants as organizational units.

A distinction is made in Plant Maintenance between planning plants and maintenance plants.

The Maintenance plant is a plant where you can manage technical objects and the work centers responsible for carrying out the work in a maintenance plant.

The planning plant is a plant where you define maintenance task lists, carry out materials planning on the basis of the BOMs in task lists and perform maintenance orders, manage and schedule maintenance plans, enter maintenance notifications and process maintenance orders for the associated maintenance plants.

The recommendation is that yo should always use planning plants when maintenance planning is to be carried out centrally in one plant for several plants. If each plant is independent from a maintenance point of view, each plant is then also a planning plant.

Please note that there are many areas that will overlap with the implementation of components 'MM' (Materials Management) and 'PP' (Production Planning) when you are customizing the system for Plant Maintenance.

If you discover settings that are not relevant to Plant Maintenance, you should only change or delete these after consultation with the appropriate project groups.

PM - Material Master Vs. Equipment Master

If maintenance activities are to be carried out for an equipment and at the same time if an identical replacement is to be
maintained for it in inventory then is it better to create it from the material master rather than from
PM -> Technical Objects -> Create -> Equipment.

What is the significance of maintaining Functional Location BOM.

I would do both create a material number for consistency and the replenishment of equipment in the future and also assign it a unique equipment master record number.

In the equipment master record (I believe PM DATA screen), there is a construction type field which is by default an IBAU material. Link the material number to the equipment master. If you want to get real slick, create the equipment master record with reference to the material number. This way the description (short text) of the equipment is automatically populated by the Construction Type (IBAU material) as well as populating the Construction Type field.

The Functional Location BOM further enhances the hierarchy of the equipment master BOM via Component lists. Lets say you have several equipment (large assemblies) BOM's made up of smaller components (material). You could then create several large assemblies in the material master which would be the equivalent to the equipment (large assemblies) which have BOM's of smaller components (material) . Next, create a Functional Location BOM made up of several of these larger assemblies (material) . This will provide you with a nice hierarchy when running List Edit Display (multi level).

This is a rather complex situation because if the equipment is an asset then the repair costs should reflect the asset value too in some cases. Also the replacing equipment has its own cost record and I think you want to know which equipment number has the most costs collected.

There are a few other ways to control this situations:

1. Creating a sub work order linked to the main work order with the repaired material. So this sub work order should
collect the repair cost. This has the advantage that the main work order cannot be closed unless the repair has been
closed. (or a disadvantage in some cases)

2. You can also use the serialization utility, meaning creating a material number and link it to the equipment and activate
this utility in the material master record. For every movement in MM , it will ask for the related serial number and
accordingly to the proper equipment. So if you send this to the vendor I think this is an advantage to see how much
time this particular equipment has been send out for repair.

But as I said before, the whole process can be very complex if you want to follow it up properly.

In SAP, On what basis we decide to create either material master record or Equipment master record.
And what is the basic difference between Material Master record and Equipment master record.

In SAP a material is a representation of an object that can be procured, produced, assembled, sold, and replaced (among a couple other things). A material can exist as a physical object as stock and it can also exist as a virtual representation of a structure or process. Usually materials are handled as groups of objects (like 100 fenders or a dozen cookies of batch A or 4 panels in restricted stock).

An equipment is a representation of a single physical object that is handled at a much more granular level than materials. An equipment is typically installed somewhere and can have extra information (like warranty or measurement data) and can have maintenance done on it. Usually it's the individualization and maintenance aspect that determines if an object is an equipment or a material (a single entity for which you want to track data like maintenance work, history, or costs).

An equipment can also be linked to a material by indicating that the equipment is made of the material (as a generalization - construction type) and/or indicating that the equipment is actually an instance of a material (material plus serial number in the serial data tab).

SAP PM Equipment FAQ

Q1: How do you distinguish, in a simple manner, between Equipment that is being charged and not charged for service?

A1: Define different equipment categories. Standard equipment reference categories for 'Internal Machines' and 'Customer Equipment' exist.

Q2: How do you distinguish between company and customer owned equipment? Equipment on land owned by the company and land leased by the company?

A2: Same as Q1. Explore combinations of equip. category and equipment types to achieve the design objective.

Q3: How do you define equipment/material loaned/leased to a customer?

A3: Read documentation on 'Structuring Technical Systems' in 'Plant Maintenance / Service management' modules. You need to define sales area (sales org/dist channel/division) for an equipment with equipment category being one for which the equipment reference category is 'Customer Equipment'.

Q4: How can we block service to a customer? It has to be done through the FL, since most of the Equipment belongs to the company and is loaned to the customer.

A4: Deactivate the FL. This allows no further creation of transaction data (service orders, etc.). However, the existing
orders can be processed and closed. The deactivation can be reversed at a later date.

Q5: Where is a Service Contract assigned to a piece of equipment?

A5: Service contract is assigned to a material. Material is assigned to the equipment in the equipment master. This functionality is not intended for managing equipment bought from vendors (where we are getting service rather than providing service).

Q6: Is purchasing information (Vendor, date of purchase, etc.) copied from MM to the equipment when it is being created?

A6: Not in the standard system. But it can be done with ABAP batch jobs.

Q7: When you maintain an assembly in a piece of equipment, is it possible to get maintenance history of the assembly? Do you have to create it as a piece of equipment?

A7: As maintenance orders are created for FL/equipment only, maintenance history can only be tracked at that level, not at assembly level. Assemblies are mere structuring devices to have spare parts linked to an equipment in a structured manner. However, in PM orders, you can mention the assembly along with the FL/Eq. Depending on your reporting needs, an
ABAPer could use the 'PM Assembly' field in PM orders.

Q8: What is the use of the field "Standing order"? What kind of order is it?

A8: Standing orders are used to carry out on-going maintenance jobs and settle them at month end rather than creating a fresh PM order every time. Using order hierarchies, you could attach sub-orders to the standing order and settle them to the standing order to provide you with more precise recording of maint costs at sub-order level as well as a budget monitoring at the standing order level.

Q9: Is it possible to accumulate maintenance history for an assembly (not part of an equipment) for which no equipment record exists?

A9: No. But, if the assembly is included in a FL BOM, then PM orders at the FL can be used to carry maint at assembly level (no equipment is required).

Show Equipments Characteristics in a List

SAP PM Question:

How can I show equipments characteristics in a list?
I need to list one characteristics of all equipaments.
How can I do this? How is the simple way to do this?

Try this.

Go to IH08

In CLASS on the selection screen, select the class desired.

In Valuation, select the Characteristic value desired.


This will list all Equipments of a particular class having a particular Characteristic value.


You may also try this.

Go to Object List (CL6B)

Mention the Class and Class Type.

Tick on "Select Characteristics" and "With assigned values"


This takes you to another screen wherein all characteristics of the class selected on the first screen are listed.

Select the Characteristic you want and "Copy"

This lists all Equipments of a particular Class with a particular characteristic.

Component Allocation in Task List

Whenever I am attaching components in task list, item category is coming "L" i,e stockable by default & it is greyed out. I want to change it to non stockable.

In standard SAP in a task list the item cat is taken from the Material Master . That is the reason its greyed . To solve your issue you can create the BOM and have the non stock spare added as a BOM. In the task list you can select material from BOM.

Equipment BOM

Equipment Task List Component Tab

Scenario of Rotating Equipment

How to configure the scenario of rotating equipment , i.e a Sub assembly which can be used on line 1, line 2 and can also be kept in store . History of the equipment should move along with it to each line.

Create the item as an equipment (IE01) this will fit into your scenario. Then you can install and dismantle the equipment as it moves around functional locations.

My Scenario is to move as well as store the equipment in stores as an material but with its history.
A Equipment X is used in line 1, and removed and provided in line 2 and after some repairs kept in stores .from where it can be issued against W/O for line 3/1/2
I feel equipment serial number management can help , but don't know how to configure and use it .

Yes, you are right the serialisation process will help track where your equipment is and has been. You will need assistance for the MM people to have the serialisation activated in the material master (a special material type may have to be created).
It is hard to explain how it works but I will give you an indication of the process I used at a previous business.

They had Material types "ROTO" & REPA" which could be both serialised for Rotable equipment. The serial number used in the material master was the equipment number of the Rotable equipment.

  1. Work Order created to replace equipment X on line 1.
  2. Equipment Y book out of the store which changed the status to "AVLB"(the serial number must be added before the equipment can be issued).
  3. Equipment X physically replaced with equipment Y.
  4. Equipment X position changed to "DISM" to show it is not currently in that position.
  5. Equipment Y is installed to the Functional Location and the position is "INST" (including the correct date of installation).
  6. Equipment X is repaired using the same Work Order (total costing reasons).
  7. Equipment X is repaired and is ready to be booked back into the store.
  8. The Work Order is Technically completed. (this must be done before dismantling the equipment otherwise the link to the Functional location costing is lost A serialised equipment carries no costing detail in the master data because it gets it from the Functional Location it is installed on). Once TECOed the data is locked.
  9. Equipment X is dismantled from the Functional Location.
  10. Equipment X is booked into the store which changes the status to "ESTO"
  11. M3 Activity report detailing the repairs is created to equipment X.
I know it looks messy but the main thing is the planners have to manage it otherwise equipment will get lost or end up in the wrong location. Start small and expand don't implement until you understand how it works.

Attach a Drawing To Equipment Master Data

How to attach a drawing to equipment master data (IE01)?

By: Yasser

To attach a drawing to equipment, follow these steps in IE02 :-

Select this icon at bottom : Attach Drawing Icon

Attach Drawing - Change Equipment Organization

Then select Create - Create Attachment

Attach Drawing - Menu Path

Well done.

Plant Maintenance Reservations

When creating a material reservation or requisition via the PM order, the G/L account is defaulted by the automatic account assignment in the material master.

The default G/L can be changed for a material requisition on the purchasing data screen.

How / where do you change the default G/L for a reservation?

A manual update is not allowed to a reservation that has been created via a PM order.

Other companies are having the same problem.

Currently, the only way to do it is doing a manual goods issue, without using the reservation.

In this way you can, of course, change the default G/L account.

Deletion and control of materials Reservations (PM order)

How can we delete PM materials Reservations in the MM module?

Without using the PM order, can we limit the no. of days to permit the GOODS ISSUE of the PM materials Reservations.

As I'm sure you've found, SAP does not allow manual change to reservations created automatically (e.g.. by PM).

This is to ensure that all the work done by the planners is not simply ignored by the people in the stores. If they want a reservation to be canceled they should call the PM planners who can change the PM order.

You can usually limit the validity period of the reservation in configuration to, for example, 5 days of planned GI date.

In this case, if 5 days have gone by past the planned issue date the deletion flag is automatically set on the reservation. This applies to reservations created by PM.

The transaction in IMG for this is OMBN.

Note that when the PM order is set TECO that the reservations will automatically be deleted.

This is the normal way to control this.

PM - SM notifications

In 3.1f Notifications, there is option to create special Notification or Activity or Request.

The screen fields of Notification and request are different.

Request displays all Catalogs codes, Sales Organization, DC, Division, Maintenance Plant etc. whereas Notification does not ask for these details.

So in general which is preferred to use and why?

Assuming you have 15 regions which will create Notification for customer calls. So will Request help in doing analysis of outstanding, completed Notifications region-wise etc.

Let me put it this way;

What will I not get if I use Notification?

What will I not get if I use Request as default?

This is not from 3.0f client, it is from 4.5A but the concept is still the same.

There are 3 generic Notification types.

1. Reporting defects
2. Reporting previously carried out work
3. Requesting work.

In 4.5A these are called Problem Notification, Activity Report and Service Request.

They are all Notification "Types".

You can create your own types and mix and match the initial screens and defaulted catalog types, but these three are the ones from the menu path you quoted. Also, the initial screens and defaulted catalogs for these 3 types are also configurable.
If you don't use Notifications (in general) then you miss out on catalog reporting, breakdown reporting, downtime and most of the functionality in the SMIS.

Recommendation, use Notifications.

The type to use? That depends on the industry and your company's needs.

In SAP the order is the planning tool and the collector and distributor of costs.

SAP has created the functionality for Notification Tasks for the planning of work, but there is no cost planning or allocations.

Problem Notifications are just what they suggest. Reporting problems.

Depending upon the size of the job depends whether an order is created to plan the work and/or capture the costs.

Activity Reports are normally created to save the administration of an Order. i.e. No significant costs, but you wish to record some technical history after the event. They can also be created from a Preventive type maintenance Order (created automatically from a Maintenance Plan) for technical reporting.

Service request. Typically a Service is required, not a defect or problem.

Typical examples are upgrade or improvements.

Recommendation: Use which is right for you, but you can report across all the Notification types.

SAP PM (Service Management) Geographical Work Centres

-----Original Message-----
Subject: PM (Service Management) Geographical Work Centres
From: Mike Kennedy

Hi all,

My question relates to the creation of tasklists for a common planning plant (across the entire organization). These general tasklists also need to be common to the entire organization, however it would be desirable to have different Main Work Centers representing different geographical regions for the purposes of capacity analysis. Here lies the problem;

The task lists must have a work center assigned to each operation.

If a common work center is used in the task lists this defaults into the operation overview for the Scheduled orders when in fact it is desirable for this work center to be the same as the Main Work Center of the technical object that the work is being performed on ( which corresponds to it's geogrpahical location ).

We do not want to have to change the work centres on the order manually but alas, we require the work centre to represent the geographical region so that the impact of the order can be analysed in the capacity evaluation.

Any Suggestions?

Thanks in advance,

Mike K

-----Reply Message-----
Subject: Re: (Service Management) Geographical Work Centres
From: Barry Dickau


Could you not group your tasklists by geographical locations which would mean duplicating the same tasklists but then each would have their own specific workcenters by location. Or create them as equipment or FL tasklists? I'm assuming your Plant structure is based on centralized planning, 1 Planning Plant to many Maint Plants?

-----Reply Message-----
Subject: Re: PM (Service Management) Geographical Work Centres
From: Siminski, Tom TM


You may create General Task Lists to be used as reference and then create object related (functional location and/or equipment) task lists by copying the general list and changing work centre to "geographically correct" one.

Additional advantage may be that object specific task lists are easier to use when creating a work order. Extras -> Task list -> Object related, will give you list of all task lists for the object and only those.

Hope that is of some help.

-----End of Reply Message-----

SAP SM Revenue and Non Revenue Combination Orders

-----Original Message-----
Subject: SM Revenue and Non Revenue Combination Orders

My customer has a requirement to have a combination work order.
Which means they would use a non-revenue work order (material and labor
to be charged to the contract) and also have material and labor to be billed
to the customer all on the same order.


An SM01 order is created and 6 hrs of labor and $200.00 worth of
material was used. Out of the $200.00 worth of material that was used
$100.00 is to be billed to the customer and the remaining 6hrs of labor and
$100.00 worth of material is to be charged to the contract.

Has anyone encountered this situation and have found some resolution
other than creating to work orders for 1 notification.

Any help would be appreciated.

-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: SM Revenue and Non Revenue Combination Orders

I don't think you need to create 2 work orders but one way is to create
SM01 (non-revenue) order & define two settlement rules, one of them
would be the sales order using which you want to bill the customer.
Other one could be your absorbing cost center. You have mentioned
charging to the contract, I guess that should also be possible since it is
a different order type only.

Therefore your solution would be to define two settlement rules with
appropriate percentage to the sales orders.

-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: SM Revenue and Non Revenue Combination Orders

I forgot to mention in my earlier mail, In order to define the settlement
rule to the sales order or in other words sales order to be the receiver of
the costs, you will have to have proper item category in the sales order


-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: SM Revenue and Non Revenue Combination Orders

This will not work for SM since you can only assign one settlement rule
to the order type. What might work is to change the percentage to each
cost center. However, the problem with this is that they need actual costs.

SM does not work exactly like PP,PM and SD.

Thanks for your input.

-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: SM Revenue and Non Revenue Combination Orders

I am not sure about , what do you mean by "assign one settlement rule
to the order type" but my intention was to give percentages to different
receivers in the settlement rule.

If you want to apportion actual costs only & not percentages, another
option is to try condition types in the sales order & use SM02 i.e.
revenue bearing order type. bill the amount which you want to the customer &
charge the balance to whatever account you want through a separate
condition type. Treat something like warranty.

My answer was/is from SM perspective & it has got nothing to do with
PM/PP or SD.

Hope that helps

-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: SM Revenue and Non Revenue Combination Orders

Thanks for the information. What I did not want to do is create two
orders, SM01 and SM02.

Please accept my applogies for sounding like I thought you were not
coming from a Service Management Perspective. I have had four or five answer
that related to PP,PM or SD.

-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: SM Revenue and Non Revenue Combination Orders

My answer was not to create two orders but still only one order SM02
but you will have to try out what I suggested.

If that also fails (I don't know yet), there is another solution which is
definitely not going to fail & even SAP will give you the same answer &
probably the only solution if none of other works.

SAP has provided user exit in resource related billing & if the procedure
of billing is somewhat different from all the other ways, activate this user
exit & do the billing & bookings the way you want.

Pls try out all the alternatives & do not say that development will not
work!! Believe me user exits are meant to make the system user
friendly,get some automation & IT IS NOT SYSTEM MODIFICATION.


-----End of Message-----

Open and Close Posting FICO Periods

Define the posting company code variant in SM30 - V_T010O

Assign the company code variant in SM30 - V_001_R

Maintain the open and close posting period with OB52.

You can control period by : -

1. G/L number range.

2. Company code.

3. Company code and G/L range.

SD Output/Email Sending a billing document by e-mail

First, your SAP system must be configure by the basis people in order for you to send an external mail.

Whether it can send pdf or other file format will depends on the Mail Server you are using.

The basis people must also maintain the conversion parameters so that SAP knows how to convert the billing documents to be send as a pdf file or other desired format specified by your company.

Finally, you have define the IMG in Maintain Output Determination for Billing Documents (Output type MAIL)

Output/Email SAP SD Customizing Picking Output

From Release 4.5A, the system does no longer display the actions for SD picking in the implementation guide.

If you want to use the picking list according to the "old" procedure, you can maintain the list as follows:

o Carry out Transaction V/38 to maintain the output types.

o Carry out Transaction OVLT to assign the picking list types to the
shipping points.

o Carry out Transaction V/53 to assign the picking lists to own
forms and programs.

SD Output/Email Program for Sales Order by Customer, Date, Sales

Sales Order by Organisation, Customer - To create the Sales Order by More no of Date's

User's can easily take the Report from this by selecting Different kinds like Customer Specific [And/Or] Sales Organisation Specific [And/Or] duration of date but Here Date is Mandatory Fields user must have to give date as a selection criteria

In Second level this report will interact with user where they can select date to see the full Details of Sales Order
- Sales Organisation
- Date
- Customer this will be usefull when Selecting the Checkbox
Standard Variants
- Output
- Sales Order

Date SalesOrderNo Material Amount Currency
10.01.2007 8530 732 1000 INR

*&--------Done by V.Chellavelu on 11.01.2007

REPORT zche_sales_order .

TABLES: vbkd,vepvg.",vbak,vbap,vbpa,vakpa, vapma.

ch TYPE checkbox,
vbeln LIKE vbak-vbeln, " sales document
netwr LIKE vbak-netwr, "Net Value of the SalesOrder
matnr LIKE vbap-matnr, "material no.
waerk LIKE vbak-waerk, "curr.
dat LIKE vbak-erdat, "date.
END OF sal.

DATA: amount LIKE vbak-netwr, date2(15),date3(8),date4(1),

DATA: lin LIKE sy-curow VALUE 1,"Screens, vertical cursor position at
"PAI available in SYST struc.
checkbox TYPE c ,
dat LIKE vbak-erdat.

PARAMETERS: vkorg LIKE vepvg-vkorg,
vtweg LIKE vepvg-vtweg,
spart LIKE vepvg-spart.
SELECT-OPTIONS date FOR vbkd-bstdk DEFAULT sy-datum TO sy-datum

PARAMETERS: kunnr1 LIKE vbpa-kunnr.

IF chk1 <> 'X'.
IF vkorg <> ''.
PERFORM organisation.
PERFORM organisation_else.

IF vkorg <> ''.
PERFORM cus_orga.
PERFORM cus_orga_else.

* Displaying the contents which is selected from table by
* -selection conditions
SORT sal BY dat.

LOOP AT sal.
ON CHANGE OF sal-dat.
IF sy-tabix = 1.
WRITE: sy-vline, sal-ch AS CHECKBOX,sal-dat .
CLEAR amount.
WRITE:sy-vline, amount,/ sy-vline, sal-ch AS CHECKBOX,sal-dat.
CLEAR amount.
amount = amount + sal-netwr.
WRITE:sy-vline, amount.
WRITE:/ ' Total Amount:', sal-netwr UNDER amount.

**********************Interaction with report**************************

SET PF-STATUS 'BANU'. " To create Application ToolBar for Display
* To verify Double click on BANU

AT USER-COMMAND. " This will execute after pressing Display Button
CASE sy-ucomm.
free newsal.
READ LINE lin FIELD VALUE sal-ch INTO checkbox.
IF sy-subrc NE 0. EXIT. ENDIF.
IF checkbox = 'X'.
PERFORM datecon.
PERFORM process.
lin = lin + 1.
PERFORM selection.

************************ SUB ROUTINE Area
*This Process SubRoutine will assign the values from current
* -InternalTable (sal) into other IT(newsal), by date which is
* - selected by CheckBox
FORM process.
LOOP AT sal WHERE dat = dat.
newsal-ch = 'X'.
newsal-vbeln = sal-vbeln.
newsal-netwr = sal-netwr.
newsal-matnr = sal-matnr.
newsal-waerk = sal-waerk.
newsal-dat = sal-dat.
APPEND newsal.
ENDFORM. "process

*&---------This will display the values for selected dates from new --*
*---------------------internal Table (newsal)-------------------------*
FORM selection.
WRITE:sy-vline,'Date',AT 14 sy-vline, 'Order NO', AT 27 sy-vline,
'Order Material', AT 48 sy-vline,'Order Value(AMT) Currency '.
LOOP AT newsal.
ON CHANGE OF newsal-dat.
IF sy-tabix <> 1.
WRITE:/ sy-vline, AT 14 sy-vline,AT 27 sy-vline,AT 48 sy-vline.
WRITE:/ sy-vline,newsal-dat,sy-vline,AT 27 sy-vline,AT 48 sy-vline.
WRITE: sy-vline,newsal-dat,sy-vline,AT 27 sy-vline,AT 48 sy-vline.
WRITE:/ sy-vline, AT 14 sy-vline,newsal-vbeln,sy-vline,
newsal-matnr, sy-vline, newsal-netwr, newsal-waerk.

WRITE:/ sy-vline, AT 15 'Total Amount for selected month:',
newsal-netwr UNDER newsal-netwr.
lin = 1.
FREE newsal.

* This Date convertion is must for pick the particular Date from the
* -displayed line, and here we are reversing the Date like
* -because to Check or assign the date we need to give in reverse

* text
FORM datecon.
date2 = sy-lisel(17).
WHILE date2 <> ''.
date4 = date2+11.
IF date4 <> '.'.
CONCATENATE date4 date3 INTO date3.
date5 = date3(2).
date6 = date3+2.
date3 = date3+4.
CONCATENATE date3 date6 date5 INTO date3.
dat = date3.
* SORT dat BY dat.

* Here we are doing different kinds of selections by the EndUser's

*&---------When user selectiong an Sales Organisation-----------------*
* text
FORM organisation.
SELECT f~vbeln p~matnr c~netwr c~waerk p~audat INTO (sal-vbeln,
sal-matnr, sal-netwr,sal-waerk, sal-dat) FROM ( vakpa AS f INNER JOIN
vbak AS c ON f~vbeln = c~vbeln ) INNER JOIN vapma AS p ON
f~vbeln = p~vbeln WHERE p~audat IN date AND p~vkorg = vkorg.

*&---------Without Sales Organisation i.e All Organisation------------*
* text
FORM organisation_else.
SELECT f~vbeln p~matnr c~netwr c~waerk p~audat INTO (sal-vbeln,
sal-matnr, sal-netwr,sal-waerk, sal-dat) FROM ( vakpa AS f INNER JOIN
vbak AS c ON f~vbeln = c~vbeln ) INNER JOIN vapma AS p ON
f~vbeln = p~vbeln WHERE p~audat IN date.


*&------------When Selecting Customer by choosing CheckBox------------*
*& Form CUS_ORGA
* text
FORM cus_orga.
SELECT f~vbeln p~matnr c~netwr c~waerk p~audat INTO (sal-vbeln,
sal-matnr, sal-netwr,sal-waerk, sal-dat) FROM ( vakpa AS f INNER JOIN
vbak AS c ON f~vbeln = c~vbeln ) INNER JOIN vapma AS p ON
f~vbeln = p~vbeln WHERE p~audat IN date AND p~vkorg = vkorg AND
p~kunnr = kunnr1.


*&------------Without Customer by without choosing CheckBox-----------*
* text
FORM cus_orga_else.
SELECT f~vbeln p~matnr c~netwr c~waerk p~audat INTO (sal-vbeln,
sal-matnr, sal-netwr,sal-waerk, sal-dat) FROM ( vakpa AS f INNER JOIN
vbak AS c ON f~vbeln = c~vbeln ) INNER JOIN vapma AS p ON
f~vbeln = p~vbeln WHERE p~audat IN date AND p~kunnr = kunnr1.


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Purchase Order and Sales Order Workflow

Purchase Order workflow ( Transaction : ME23N) determines the approval path for the buying organization . It first goes to the buyer, buyer's manager & thereafter based on the cost center & the associated amount, it goes for approval through the Cost Center organization .


Buyer ( Requestor in the procurement deptt. of the buying organization)

Procurement Manager
Cost Center org. approval ( based on amount & Sign.Authority level)

Regarding , Sales Order( Transaction: VA01); it is created in the Sales Org of the company & basically governs the pricing structure of the order .The routing of an SO is

Sales Org. ( based on the cost center of the sold item)

Distribution Channel
Reg. Sales office
Sales Group
Sales Person

Showing posts with label MM Workflow. Show all posts Workflow of Purchase Requisition Release Strategy

Configuration of Purchase Order Release Strategy

Following is the procedure for workflow enabling of “Purchase Requisition Release Strategy”:

1. The standard workflow template provided by SAP for PR Release is WS00000038. This information could be retrieved from the SAP help.

2. It is assumed that the release procedure has been setup in the system by the functional consultant, as shown below:
PR Workflow : Change View Release Strategies Classification

3. The customization of the PR Release Strategy could be verified at the following location:
SPRO à SAP Reference IMG à Material Management à Purchasing à Purchase Requisition à Release Procedure à Procedure with classification à Setup procedure with classification

4. Click on workflow in the above screen (screenshot shown below):
PR Workflow : Release Procedure Purchase Requisitions

5. Now define the recipients of the PR Release work item as per the release group (refer to screenshot below). For testing purposes, the recipient type is taken as “US”, instead this can also be taken as Position, Organization Unit and others.
PR Workflow : Change View Assignment of Role to Release Code

6. Now go back to the previous screen and click on “Release Codes”. Here enter the value “1” in the workflow column for the release groups the workflow has to be configured.
PR Workflow : Change View Release Codes Overview

7. Activate the event linkage of the workflow either in SWDD or PFTC.
PR Workflow : Workflow Builder Display wf_req_rel Active Saved

8. Mark all the tasks (unless background tasks) as “General Task” in the agent assignment and generate.

Changing Vendor on Purchase Order

Is it possible to use different vendors for different items in the same PO?

Can the Vendor be changed after saving the PO?

One PO can not have different vendors. Its logical as one PO goes to one vendor with address.

You cannot change the Vendor once you have saved the Purchase Order. SAP treats the Purchase Order as a legal document. Therefore, once the Purchase Order is saved, it will not let you change the vendor.

You have to delete all the line items and then create another Purchase Order. However, if you are using Enjoy Purchase Order, you can "Hold" the Purchase Order rather than save it after you have create it, then you can change the vendor.

Of course, this means that you don't have any output yet. Therefore, you are not bounds by a legal document as you have not given it to a specific supplier yet.

Logically, you cannot change an important field after creating a document. It defeats the RDBMS principle, but you can change vendor while doing Invoice Verification.

No, you cannot change vendor in released PO, because vendor registration carries some vital configuration information which decides pricing procedure for the items of the PO, logically due to this reasons system doen't allow to change vendor name once PO is released.

Normal practise to come out for this routine problem in purchasing is solved by, simply delete this PO (By changing delivery as completed in PO) and make a new PO for these items.

Eventually, you have only two options:

1. You can do the entire transaction with that wrong vendor number and after MIRO you can transfer post the vendor liability to correct vendor through FI route. BUT THIS IS A WRONG PRACTICE.

2. You need to cancel the PO which has wrong vendor number and create it again with correct vendor code.

One Time Vendors

What is the process for using one time vendors?

One time vendors can only be used for specific vendor account groups. Their is a flag for each account group in configuation for this. If one does not exist you will have to create a new vendor account group.

To create a One Time Vendor use XK01 and select the OTV account group.

When creating say a PO use your OTV account the transaction will prompt you for name, address etc (unlike a normal vendor).

You experienced a problem with OTV's whereby users couldn't be bothered to create permanent vendors and just used the OTV account, so beware of that.

Vendor Evaluation for Purchasing

Define the weighting keys in SM30 - V_T147J.

Weighting keys 01 and 02 are defined in the standard system. You combine the following
weighting shares for the standard main criteria:

Main criterion Key 01 Key 02
Price 1 5
Quality 1 5
Delivery 1 2
Gen. service/support 1 1
Ext. service provision 1 2

Define the criteria in SM30 - V_T147G - Double click on the line items

In this step, you define the criteria by which the system computes scores for vendors and
specify whether the scores for the subcriteria are computed manually, semi-automatically, or

You can also store your own methods of computation for the scores for subcriteria in the
form of user exits. The enhancement MM06L001 is available for this purpose.

Define the scope of list in SM30 - V_T147M - Double click on the line items

Define Purchasing Organization data for vendor evaluations in transaction OMGL.

An example :-

How the system calculates the score for the automatic subcriteria
"On-Time Delivery Performance"?

The system uses the statistics-relevant delivery date in the purchase order
(Items -> Delivery Schedule)
and the goods receipt date to calculate date variances.

You use the statistics-relevant delivery date, for example, if you know that the vendor
will not deliver the material as scheduled on September 15 but on September 30. Enter the
delivery date as September 30, but enter the statistics-relevant delivery date as
September 15.

In calculating the score for on-time delivery performance, the system will then not use
the actual delivery date, but the statistics-relevant delivery date. This has a negative
effect on the score for this goods receipt.
However, materials planning and control uses the realistic delivery date (September 30)
which the vendor will actually adhere to.

The system considers only goods receipts against purchase orders and scheduling agreements
into stores and the release of GR blocked stock into stores. In the standard system, these
are the movement types 101 and 105.

Minimum Delivery Percentage - OMGL in the On-time delivery section

If you do not want a vendor to receive a very good score if he delivered the goods on time,
but did not deliver the required quantity, you can maintain a minimum delivery percentage
in Customizing.

Assume you set the Min. del. perc. parameter to 60% and the vendor delivers the goods on
time, but only 55% of the ordered quantity. Although the goods receipt is punctual, it is
not included in the calculation of the vendor’s score for on-time delivery performance. So
that the non-scoring of the on-time delivery performance criterion in this case does not
bring an unfair advantage in comparison with a poor score, the vendor is awarded a low score
for quantity reliability. On-time delivery performance is thus always to be seen in
conjunction with quantity reliability.

Standardizing Delivery Date Variance - OMGL in the On-time delivery section

To rate delivery date variances in days, maintain the Std.del.time var. parameter.

If you assign a lower standard value, this means that relatively low date variances produce
high percentage variances. If you set a higher standard value, this results in a relatively
low percentage variance:

The Std.del.time var. parameter has the value 20. The goods receipt took place on Nov. 27;
the statistical delivery date was Nov. 15. There is thus a difference of 12 days.

The system calculates the percentage variance as follows:
12 / 20 x 100 = 60

If the Std.del.time var. parameter had the value 60, the variance would be 20%
(12 / 60 x 100 = 20).

If you do not maintain this parameter, the system calculates the delivery time variance via
the firm zone in the case of scheduling agreements, and via the order date and the
statistics-relevant delivery date in the case of purchase orders.

Process of Subcontract in MM

Sub-contract business process:
You want to buy material from the supplier (processed material/ assembled item) , but for some reason (quality of certain item / price ) you will give some component to vendor .
Vendor shall process the item / use the item provided & supply the final item.

SAP process:
1.Create the finished goods material code.
2.Maintain the BOM for the material.
3.Create PO with item category as "L" .
4.Issue material to vendor with movement type 541
5.Receive the material against the PO with movement type 101.
6.MIRO to account for vendor's invoice for the service charge& material used by him.

Can anybody tell me how a process has to be given to subcontracting?
Suppose, I have 3 operations 1)weaving 2)dyeing 3)cutting & packing
if no 2 process (i.e Dyeing) has to be given to subcontracting, what process should i follow ?


The following process to be followed for subcontracting.
1. Item code(material master) to be created at the stage of before dyeing.
2. Item code(material master) to be created after Dyeing as subcontracted item.(F30)
3. Bill of material to becreated for the material(2) calling for material(1)
4. Inforecord and source list to be created for material(2) with the corresponding vendor
5. PO to be released for material (2)
6.Along with PO the material(1) to be issued to vendor
7.On receipt of material when GR is made the stock with vendor will get updated.

Subcontracting - Key Points

Special Procurement Process.

Item category: L
Order type: NB

In info record vendor should be maintained as subcontractor.

Vendor (Subcontractor) receives the components used to manufacture a finished product directly from your company or through third party.

Your company should place a purchase order for the finished product. In this manually you can enter the required individual components or it can be determined via the explosion of BOM (if exists).

Stock check at vendor level: ME2O

Company stock check: MMBE

GR for individual components through movement type: 501 or 561 (if with out PO or without reference).

GI to subcontracting vendor: through movement type 541.

GR from sub contracting vendor: through movement type: 101
Movement type 543 is displayed to cancel the material cost account.

If the subcontracting order has to be generated through materials planning,the special procurement key has to be set in MRP 2 screen.

Editor Note:
- To create the Subcon Info Record : Tcode ME11 - Info Category - Click Subcontracting

- To create Material BOM : Tcode CS01

- With the Info and Material Setup, you can then create the Purchase Order in Tcode ME21N

Procedure for Setting Partner Functions

The procedure for setting partner functions:

Step 1
Vendor Account Group

Step 2
Defining Partner Schemas

Step 3
Assign Partner Schema

Step 4
Define Permissible Partner Role Per Account Group

If you want a partner schema for your own document type then define your partner schema and assign to document type using the below mentioned path.


And then

Once you have this configuration then you change your vendor in easy access menu (XK02-select partner function) define the partner roles.

What Is Outline and Scheduling Agreement

Please give the difference between Purchase Order, Outline Agreement and Scheduling Agreement.

PO is normal where you issue the PO to a vendor and expect the delivery. The PO is termed completed when the vendor has delivered the PO quantity or when you have preclosed the PO when the vendor has delivered partial quantity and he has agreed not to send anymore with ref to the PO.

Outline Agreement can be of 2 types:- Contract and SA.

Contract is where you have a contract with the vendor,may be a for a predetermined quantity or predefined value. So everytime you need the matl, you need to make PO ref the contract asking for the delivery of the matl. In such instance when PO is ref with contract its called contract release orders or call off orders.

Scheduling agreement is a long term purchase agreement, where you will keep issuing the delivery schedules whenever there is a change in requirement or at predetermined time intervals. The delivery schedule can be on hour/daily/weekly/monthly basis. But it will contain different zones viz. firm/tradeoff/Forecast. Firm zone schedules are confirmed requirement and need to be taken by ordered party. Tradeoff zone requirement is to purchase the raw materails and ordering party is liable to pay raw material cost, in case of requirement cancellation. Forecast zone requirement is to help the vendor to plan his requirements.

SA is also an agreement with the vendor for the supply of matl, may be a quanity or value. The delivery dates will be maintained in ME38 ref the SA which are called delivery schedules.So you can maintain the delivery schedule and communicate the vendor on Forecase basis or JIT basis. And when you need some more matl then will only create SA deliveries using ME38. SA could be of 2 types:- without release documentation-system will transmit the delivery info to the vendor once you save the document.

With release documentation- after creating the delivery schedules you need to create SA release using ME84.

The main difference between contract and SA is volume of docs generated would be higher in contract since everytime you need to make a PO ref the contract and its time consuming, whereas SA can be integrated with MRP such that it automatically creates delivery schedules during MRP run provided if there is a requirement to the matl.

What is Vendor Consignment?

Consignment is a functionality in MM-PUR wherein you purchase materials from the vendor on a consignment-basis. When the delivery comes, the materials, though will be stored in your warehouse, are still legally owned by the vendor until they are consumed, i.e. GI posting (this is the only time you will be liable to the vendor).

You just have to make sure, you set up the following to run this function perfectly:

1. Maintain account determination

KNO G/L acct: GR/IR Clearing
AKO G/L acct: Inventory account

2. Check field status compatibility at G/L account, posting keys in the IMG or run SE38/RM07CUFA to display fields compatibilities.

3. Set up output condition type KONS.

4. On the material master record, set special procurement indicator to 10 (consignment) at MRP2 view.

5. Create Info record for the consigned material and vendor-consignor. Be sure the info category is Consignment.

Showing posts with label MM Vendors. Show all posts Multiple Currency Quotation or Invoice From Vendor

The common Issue of Multiple Currency quotation or Invoice from a Vendor can be solved using Vendor Subrange.

This scnerios can be used specially in Purchase Order, where you can define/select the currencies for a Vendor.

The Vendor currency is maitained (say) USD and you want to attach EURO, GBP to the existing vendor without creating same Vendor in Data Base

Step:1 Use of SAP Standard Functionality of Vendor Sub-Range
Step:2 Activate the Sub-Range Field in PO and make it Mandatory

How to Use vendor Sub-Range

A. T-code XK02 – Select Vendor and then Select Purchasing Data

In Purchasing Data View go to MENU BAR -> Extras -> ADDITIONAL PURCHASING DATA
In the Screen Select check the box for


C. T-code XK02 – Select Vendor and then Select Purchasing Data

In the PURCHASING DATA VIEW, a Button appears in Sub-Menu Bar which Says “SUB-RANGE”

D. Click on it and put in the Currency Code and Currency Description
GBP Great Britain Pound
INR India Rupee


F. T-code XK02 – Select Vendor and then Select Purchasing Data

In the PURCHASING DATA VIEW, a Button appears in Sub-Menu Bar which Says “ALTERNATIVE DATA”

G. Click YES in the Pop-up

H. Select one Currency in SUB RANGE Field (say USD)

I. Select the check box for PURCHAING DATA and PARTNER FUNCTION

J. Click OK

K. In the Currency Field of PURCHASING DATA VIEW select USD
(This is to Match the VSR code to the currency Field)


M. T-code XK02 – Select Vendor and then Select Purchasing Data

N. A new Screen is Displayed, PRESS F5, and repeat the steps H to L

Multiple Currencies are now Defined / attached to the Vendor.


Activate the Sub-Range Field in PO and make it Mandatory


B. Make the VENDOR SUB RANGE field as REQUIRED in Quantity and Price Field Selection Group of Document Type

The Job is done

The Purchase Order now will ask you to select the Sub-range and the defined currency for a Vendor can be Used.

User Exits In MM Area

The following SAP enhancements are available for the Purchasing area:

AMPL0001 - User subscreen for additional AMPL data (manufacturer part number)

LMELA002 - Adoption of batch number from shipping notification at time of posting of a goods receipt

LMELA010 - Incoming shipping notification: adoption of item data from IDoc

LMEQR001 - User exit for source determination

M06B0001 - Role determination for release of requisitions

M06B0001 - Changes to communication structure for release of requisitions

M06B0003 - Number range and document number

M06B0004 - Number range and document number

M06B0005 - Changes to communication structure for overall release of purchase requisitions

M06E0004 - Changes to communication structure for release of purchasing document

M06E0005 - Role determination for release of purchasing documents

ME590001 - Grouping of requisitions for PO split in transaction ME59

MEETA001 - Determination of schedule line type (backlog, immediate requirement, forecast)

MEFLD004 - Determination of earliest delivery date for checking at time of goods receipt (PO only)

MELAB001 - Generation of forecast delivery schedule: realization via creation profile

MEQUERY1 - Enhancement for document overview ME21N / ME51N

MEVME001 - Calculation of default GR quantity and over/underdelivery tolerances

MM06E001 - User exits for inbound EDI messages and outbound purchasing documents

MM06E003 - Number range and document number

MM06E004 - Control of import data screens in purchase orders

MM06E005 - Customer fields in purchasing documents

MEREQ001 - Customer's own data in purchase requisitions

MM06E007 - Change document for requisitions when converting into POs

MM06E008 - Monitoring of contract target value in case of release orders

MM06E009 - Relevant texts for "Texts exist" indicator

MM06E010 - Field selection for vendor address

MM06E011 - Activation of requisition block

MM06L001 - Exits for determination of ratings in vendor evaluation

MMAL0001 - ALE source list distribution: outbound processing

MMAL0002 - ALE source list distribution: inbound processing

MMAL0003 - ALE purchasing info record distribution: outbound processing

MMAL0004 - ALE purchasing info record distribution: inbound processing

MMDA0001 - Default values for delivery addresses

MMFAB001 - User exit for generation of releases

MRFLB001 - Control items during release creation

LWBON001 - Enhancement of LIS update through extension of the communication structure MCKONA (business volumes and rebate income)

LWBON003 - Change settlement data for end-of-period rebate settlement before creation of settlement documents

LWSUS001 - Customer-specific source determination in Retail

LMEXF001 - Conditions in purchasing documents without invoice receipt

LMEKO002 - Enhance communication structure KOMP for price determination
